How The Unseen Came Into The Seen

Everything God created, He created it by saying it. God spoke things into being by the power of His Word. When God wanted trees, the Bible says, “And the Lord said to the earth, ‘bring forth vegetation.'” So God aimed His speech at what He wanted things to be made out of.  So, every plant and tree and shrub on the earth is 100% dirt, because that’s what God spoke to. That’s why when plants die they go back to the earth.

When God wanted the sun (v. 14), it says, “And God spoke to the firmament.”  The firmament is full of gases, so when God said, “Let there be light in the heavens,” then that brought forth the sun. The sun is nothing but gases.

Through creation, God spelled out a very important principle in creating things. Whatever is created remains attached to where it came from in order to live. That’s a principle. So when you study creation, everything that came from somewhere has to feed on where it came from in order for it to live. Plants came from the earth so they remain attached to the earth in order to live. Stars came from the firmament, so they have to stay in the firmament in order to live. If they leave, they become meteorites and burn up. Fish came from water, so they must remain in water in order to live.

When God wanted man He spoke to Himself. Now God is Spirit. That’s why you are a spirit. God said, “Let us make man in Our own image, in our own likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground.” (v.26). We don’t have a spirit, we are a spirit, because that’s what God spoke to, and we came out of God. God wanted man to be made out of His own Spirit. Whatever is in God is in man.–That’s why God cares about us so, because we are not only like Him, we are of Him.

Plants cannot fellowship with God. By the same token, animals cannot fellowship with God. And fish cannot worship God either. Only man could worship God because we are 100% Spirit and, “They that worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.”

However, because the earth is physical and man is Spirit, it says, “God formed the man’s body from the dust of the ground and blew His Spirit, the breath of life, into his body.” (Gen 2: 7). So man whose spirit is now living in a dirt-suit, could rule the earth, being physical on the earth.

God’s desire was for man to rule the earth for Him. Man was created like God, therefore man who is spirit can relate to God who is Spirit. God is invisible, and so is man’s spirit, but his body is visible. So God, who’s living in the unseen, is also living in the unseen man (his spirit) which is living in the seen (physical man) who’s on the seen (earth). So the kingdom of God is God, King of heaven, dominating the earth through His spirit-children through their bodies so that the unseen could manifest in the seen, so that the will of God in Heaven could be done on earth. Therefore what’s happening in Heaven could happen on earth without heaven coming to earth.

That’s why, after Jesus paid the price and shed His blood, He called them in a meeting and He taught them about the kingdom of God, and then He went to each one and “He breathed on them and said, ‘receive now the Holy Spirit'”. When you receive the Holy Ghost again you’re being reconnected back to heaven.

God did not say “let us have dominion”.  God said “let Us make man, in Our own image and in Our own likeness, out of Our own Spirit, and let them have dominion over the earth”. The only spiritual creatures that have legal authority on earth and are allowed to function on earth legally are humans. The word human, literally means “a spirit in a body”. If you don’t have a body, you can’t function legally on earth.

That is why satan is illegal. Demon possession is an attempt for evil spirits to become legal, and inhabit a body because otherwise they’re illegal. Demons cannot function without a body. That’s why you have to be cautious with your body. Your body is important on this earth because it carries the presence of God. It is a temple for the Spirit of God. Demons are running to and fro trying to get into a body. They want to borrow your body in order to be legal to do business here.

When God said “let them have dominion” He was also talking about Himself (His Spirit, in man). Because God is Spirit, and therefore doesn’t have a body, He also was illegal on earth. But by putting His Spirit in man, He could be legal on earth.

Now why is all this important? Because God had to be faithful to His Word, He can’t violate His own Word. Remember He has set His Word above His name, that’s why God Himself cannot come into the planet earth without a body. That’s also why when adam and Eve were sinning when she was picking the fruit, God couldn’t stop her, not because He was weak, not because He was afraid, not because He’s not powerful, not because He’s not mighty, not because He’s not sovereign, but because He is too faithful to His own Word, He couldn’t come in as a spirit and stop her because He would have broken His Word.

And if He ever broke His Word once, you’ll never trust Him again. So God had to stay out, even though He knew what was going to happen. You could say that God’s faithfulness to His Word caused the fall of man.

If God had interfered as a spirit and broken His Word, you could never trust the promises He gave you. But  because He’s so faithful to the point of the FALL of His own children, then anything He promised you, will come to pass.

(To be continued)