The Difference Between Jesus and Christ

 Jesus had to come to earth legally, in a body, that’s why throughout the gospels, He referred to Himself as “the Son of man”. The redemption that Jesus provided to mankind had to be accomplished from a legal standpoint. God could not come to earth as a Spirit and rearrange things after the fall of man, because He had given the earth to humanity. That’s why Jesus, coming as a man, could walk on the earth without breaking the Word of God because He was in the flesh, yet He was still God.

Remember, when the angel appeared to Mary, He told her, “The Spirit of the most High will come upon you.”

Did you know that a woman’s womb is designed in such a way that she can carry a baby and the baby’s blood never mixes with the mother’s blood? The mother’s blood and the fetus’s blood do not physically mix because they are separated by cell membranes in the placenta and the uterine wall. God did that before the fall… In His mind, God must have thought, “Just in case, I’m going to make arrangements for My Son.”

God cursed the serpent after the fall and later in Isaiah, chapter 7, God said something very unique to Satan concerning the woman. He said, “The same woman you convinced to pick the fruit is going to be your nightmare. I will put enmity between you and her seed and your seed.” (Also Gen. 3:14,15)

So God said, “I’m going to plant My seed in the woman and she’s going to grow a body from My seed to make Me legal. The blood of that woman will not mix with the blood of the child, because it has to be pure blood in order to forgive the sin of the world. So My Son will be in her legally, but with pure blood.” The Bible says, “For unto us a child will be born, and unto us a Son will be given.” The child will be born, but not the Son. The Son will be given. WOW, the wisdom of God.

So Mary is the mother of Jesus, but not the mother of Christ. She was impregnated by the Spirit of God, remember? God told Mary, “You shall name the child Jesus. But don’t name the Son. I already have the name for the Spirit. The body is Jesus, but the Spirit is Christ; Emmanuel (God with man).”  So Jesus, through His body, made Christ legal.

Jesus died on the cross, and paid the price with His body because in order for us to be forgiven, blood was required, and spirits have no blood. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.”  So in order to pay the wages (price) of sin, someone had to die. So Christ needed Jesus to die. That’s why He needed a body so that the price of sin could be paid.

The Bible says, “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.” Jesus died, but not Christ. That’s how Jesus could teach, “The Kingdom of God is within you.”  When you receive Christ by faith, you receive the Holy Spirit and you’re being reconnected back to heaven, and now God’s will could be done again on earth. “The Kingdom of God is love, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.” (Rom 14:17).  

This is the same with healing. In order to heal us, God needed some stripes on the back of Jesus. It all had to be paid through blood.

In effect, Jesus took Christ to the cross to give His life. That’s why Christ said, “No man taketh it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of Ny Father.” (Jn 10:18).  Can’t you just imagine Jesus talking to Christ, “Is there any other way to do this?” Christ says, “No, it was agreed before the foundations of the world.” And the Bible says, “And Jesus cried out, ‘Father, I know You have to leave for a couple of days, but don’t forget Me, don’t forget You promised if I lay the body down, I’ll take it up again.'” The Bible says that “after He had cried out, He expired“. That word means He released the Spirit and He died. And so we see that Jesus died, but Christ did not die. 

Christ descended to Hades, to Sheol, to Gehenna.  He walked into the dungeon of darkness.  Again, just imagine this scene!–He kicked open the door of the father of lies! Satan said, “What are You doing here?  You can’t come here! You need a body to come down here!” And Christ replied, “I have a body upstairs!  I’m leaving, but I’ve come to get some keys!”

He then put His hand into Satan’s belt, grabed a set of keys, and He said, “I didn’t come for you yet, I just came for the keys!” He then took the keys of death, hell and the grave. And He walked back into the dungeons of darkness, and started unlocking cells.

The Bible says, “He that descended also ascended, and He led captives free.”  He said, “Abraham, David, Joseph come on out of here! Moses, Joshua, Malaki, come on!  Jonah, Daniel, come on! Shadrach, let’s get out of here. I’ve come to resurect you.” The Bible says, “And the saints who were dead, raised up with Him and on their way up to paradise, they walked around the earth for a few days and then they went up with Him into paradise.” (Mt 27:52,53).

Another scenario to imagine is seeing Christ in heaven bringing the blood of Jesus before the throne. He poured it before the Father, and the Father said,  “The price is paid! Now the world can be forgiven when they believe in the sacrifice of My Son!” Christ said, “Now is the time for Me to go back to earth!” And the reality is that He went back into the body of Jesus and then raised Jesus from the dead! Christ was again legal in a body! Jesus then walked among His disciples and many others for 40 days. He breathed on His disciples and He said, “NOW, receive ye the Holy Spirit.” (Jn 20:22). Then Jesus departed.

The angels said, “This same Jesus, not Christ, this same Jesus that you see leaving shall return in like manner.” (Acts 1:11-14). But Christ said, “I go, but I will be right back, I’ll bring ‘the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit.'” Before leaving, He said,“I will not leave you all alone like orphans. I will come back to you. In a very short time the people in the world will not see Me anymore. But you will see Me. You will live because I live. On that day you will know that I am in the Father. You will know that you are in Me and I am in you.” (Jn 14:16-18). 

And in heaven, imagine Christ turning to Jesus and saying, “Thank You Jesus, You prepared a body for Me. They are forgiven, they are clean, they are holy by Your blood.” The Spirit could now come down to earth and come into our sanctified body, legally.” “The same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead lives in you.” (Rom. 8:18).

And now, we are not called the body of Jesus, but the church is called “the body of Christ“.