God’s will is God’s purpose. The will of God on earth is really the purpose that God had for the earth. –His original intent.

We have our own idea about our lives, but the Bible says, “It’s not in man to direct his own steps.” (Jer 19:23).  We may have visions and plans, but God says, “My purpose should prevail.” (Pr 19:21). God’s purpose should be the main goal for our lives. Jesus said, “I didn’t come to change God’s purpose, nor to abolish the law, nor what the prophets prophesied. I came to fulfill God’s purpose, all that was prophesied.” (Mt 5:17-20). 

I like what Dan Mohler says. “My whole life I was told that Jesus died for me because I was a sinner. And it left me a “forgiven sinner” –not a son. Nobody ever told me that He died on the cross to restore my purpose and reveal my potential and destiny, that he actually died on the cross because he saw great value and what I could be when He lived inside of me. Of course He had to die because I sinned, but He did not die because I was a sinner, but because I was a lost son. The cross doesn’t expose your sin, it removes your sin to expose your potential and your value. But my whole life, I was taught a sin-conscious gospel that preyed on my depravity, to get me to say “I’m sorry”. But it’s the goodness of God that leads man to repent and change. We should teach what people are called to be. The goodness of God gets into you and brings change Inside of you.”

Jesus didn’t just come to save us, but to restore something that was lost: Our true identity as sons of God was lost, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in us was lost. 

The Holy Spirit is not a ghost, not a wind, not a fire, nor a dove. He’s often symbolised by those things, but don’t minimize Him, that is not who He is. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. Not third because He is least in value, but third because He’s the last to be revealed to us in the pages of scripture. But all of the power, all of the glory, all of the authority, all of the grandeur of God the Father, is in the person of the Holy Spirit.

This means, if you’re a believer and the Holy Spirit lives in you, it means ALL of the grandeur and all the greatness, ALL of the authority of God Himself now lives on the inside of you. So if you are a believer, you HAVE the Holy Spirit, you have all the power that resurrected Christ from the dead. This is no small thing. 

God has already filled us with the fullness of His presence, His Holy Spirit. We’re endued with the power to help us do it. But the Holy Spirit is a helper, not an initiator. We must do the “wenting”.

Jesus said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” (Mt 28:19).

Let’s be filled with the Holy Spirit of God and live out this gospel of the Kingdom of God and be witnessesand a testimony unto Him. Let’s focus on reaching all nations. That’s God’s will and purpose