There’s No Distance With Faith

Remember how Jesus healed people at a distance, which shows there’s no distance to faith. As proof, you can be speaking with someone across the world over the phone, and your words will affect them the same as if they were next to you.

This happened a  number of times in the Bible, particularly with the foreign woman who was asking for healing for her daughter who could not be there, and she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

(Mark 7:25-30). The same happened with the centurion who came to Jesus for his servant who was tormented and this man told Jesus “just say the word only and he will be healed” (Mat 8:8). And Jesus was totally amazed at what he said. The Bible says, He marveled, and said, “I’ve not seen such faith, no, not in all of Israel” (Mat 8: 5-13). The centurion understood the power of words, with authority. He himself would command people who were at a distance and his orders would be followed.

This makes it clear that there’s no distance with faith. Healing can happen at a distance. We’ve seen many people healed over the phone, even across the world.

So if and whenever you hear of someone needing help, healing, comfort or whatever, you must not be distracted by the distance. Moreover, you don’t actually have to pray over the phone, if you receive an email, pray there and then and expect an answer. When Jesus prayed at a distance, it says, the person “was healed in the self same hour”.

The same happened in the book of Acts when Paul would send people to the sick person with a handkerchief from his body, and they would be healed (Acts 19:12). It goes to show that the power of God in your body is like a charged battery, it carries the life of God.

So, if someone is asking for prayer, regardless of where they are, just pray and expect the healing. It’s your faith that heals. “Just say the word only”.
