Keys To Spiritual Power

 Winning the fight of faith happens through the renewing of our mind. You’re not renewed in your mind until your reactions are according to the Word of God without having to think about it. You’ve got to get to where you react before thinking. That’s the blessing of training and disciplining yourself in the spirit; you end up doing the will of God by default because He flows through you. We must be renewed in the spirit of our mind. It’s not all to know the Word of God. It has to do with understanding the heart and the will of God and being willing to obey it.

Here are different disciplines to help us gain spiritual power…

#1. Develop A Spiritual Appetite. The same as in training our body, we must learn to pray, when we don’t want to pray, and read the Word when we feel like reading. The same as in developing good habits: first you force yourself to do it, and it then becomes second nature.

#2. Truly Feeding on The Word of God: first, you read the passage, then study every word in original language, and then meditate on it to absorb its meaning to where you transpose it into a desire to obey it.

#3. Communion with God: you talk to God in prayer in your closet, and you stop to listen, and you make it a practice to spend time in the presence of God.

#4 Fellowship with like minded Christians: “bad company corrupts good character” (1Cor 15:33). You will believe like the believers you fellowship with. Be around people who are pulling you up, not down.

#5. Public Confession Of Who You Are In Christ, and Who He is in you: Confessions and proclamations are powerful in order to renew your mind. Here are samples of “confessions of faith”. SPEAK the Word of God to yourself.

#6. Praying In Tongues.  There are 3 ways to speak in tongues, LOUDLY, LONG and with INTENSITY as if someone’s life depends on it. You pray in tongues for a breakthrough in the spirit.

#7. Act On The Word Of God. You can act yourself into believing faster than you believe yourself into acting. It starts with a will to obey. If you don’t decide to obey, you’ll just know the Word in your head. But the Word of God says, the more you know, the more you’re accountable to OBEY it (Jam 1:22). If the Spirit doesn’t move you, you move the Spirit. You may start in the flesh but you will end up in the Spirit, just because you decided to obey. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that WORKETH IN US. (Eph 3:20,21)