God’s Lemonade

Linda took off yesterday on a two day drive to go care for Mother in Iowa. The nurse who’s attending to her has been out of commission for nearly two weeks. But Linda hit a deer on the road near a small town South of Kansas City and she was all worried ?. We were prepared to give our vehicle to the nurse since her car gave up the ghost and she was not able to drive it. I told Linda, “Don’t give the devil any time, any attention, any credit. God’s going to get glory out of this… there is never any condemnation… for us. God is going to use you in this little town to touch some people with His love.”

Already, the manager of the hotel gave her a room for free. Two people have come to her pouring out their heart and just weeping over her shoulder and thanking God that they met her.

She must stay in that little town until Monday when a new radiator will be delivered to the mechanic. But in just one day, so many people have been touched by God’s love and have come to know the Lord. So, the devil’s nose has already been smeared in the mire for trying to distract our plans. God is getting so much credit and glory out of this.

If we’re faithful to shine God’s love and light wherever we are, if we’re constantly being Jesus to whomever we meet, the devil’s plans will always be foiled and God will always get the glory.

I’m presently volunteering in helping a brother build a missionary/discipleship training center, Linda is going back to help Mother, and to donate our van, and trusting God for her return.  I said to her, “Everything we’re doing at present is giving God’s love, and He’s got our back and our wallet and He’ll look after us as we keep loving and caring.” So, we keep winning and the devil keeps losing. Wherever we go, wherever we are, “We’ve come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” Because we are the light that people need. We have the truth that people are searching for, and we carry the love of God that people are starving for.

When walking around that little town yesterday, Linda met a young Christian couple, quite onfire for Jesus and they introduced her to their pastor. He listened to Linda’s testimony and her being all excited about being there instead of being bummed out about hitting the deer and her car needing all that mechanical work. The pastor said, “Wow, what an attitude! I think I’ll change my sermon on Sunday to tell my congregation how there’s no inconvenience in the life of a believer! –If only we’re willing to turn everything over to God and ask Him to serve lemonade out of our spilled lemons.” ?

What a Joy He’s given us in being able to see God in everything.