The Star Of Bethlehem

Did you know that there’s Irrefutable mathematically and scientifically proven facts about Christmas? Those facts are hidden in the phenomenon of the Star of Bethlehem. Did you ever wonder what that star was, and how can a star stop in the sky? The star of Bethlehem was a real astronomical event.

The German astronomer Johannas Kepler discovered the laws of the planets in the early 1600’s.  He discovered the math of the universe, and this math has now been put into software for us to discover more.

Following Kepler’s mathematical calculations and the 9 clues given in the book of Mathew about the events that took place at the time of the birth of Jesus, we can pinpoint accurately the date of the Magi’s visit to Bethlehem.

Astronomy is not astrology.  Astronomy is the study of God’s creation of the stars and planets.

Did you know that God takes credit for the creation of the stars and the planets in the book of Job (Job 38:4-42:6). God is the maker of the constellations. He tells Job that he is running the constellations and stars.  Isaiah 40:26 also says that the stars are named and that God has them right where they should be. And David says in the Psalms that the stars communicate.

The Bible treats the stars as indicators, somewhat like a thermometer does with temperature. And Jesus said that signs would be in the sun, moon and the stars.

Again, in the book of Mathew, there are 9 clues that indicate the time of Jesus’ birth. I’m hoping that I’ve whet your appetite enough to entice you to watch the following documentary with your family, which gives infallible proofs of the Star of Bethlehem and its timing and meaning.

And there’s more… Much MORE. It’ll blow your mind. It sure did mine…


Happy Christmas