The Word is The Healer

We all need to realize how much power there is in God’s Word. It says, “He sent His Word and healed them.”  Actually the same verse goes on to say, “…and delivered them from all their destructions.” (Ps 107:20) 

So, if you stop and think about this, God’s Word has healing power in it. In fact it has the power to save us, it has the power to give us faith (Rom 10:17), it has the power to deliver us, free us (Jn 8:31, 32), redeem us abd provide for us. Jesus said, “The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life.” (Jn 6:63). God’s Word is dynamic, atomic and filled with the energy of God.

I have often wondered how Jesus could heal everyone everywhere He went. Did He literally, personally lay hands on every person that needed healing, or was it His Word that did the healing as He preached? “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Fospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.” (Mat 4:23) 

The Gospel has healing power in it. God made it clear to the children of Israel that He is a healer. God said to them, “I am the Lord that healeth thee,” (Ex 15:26) and Jesus said, “I am the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Heb 13:8) So, we cannot say that the days of miracles and the days of healing are past.

I believe that the preaching of God’s Word is what brings healing and deliverance. The healing power is embedded in His Word. Jesus went about everywhere preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. It says, “His fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and He healed them.“ (Mt 4:24) 

We know that it is the will of God to heal, because Jesus healed everybody. He never refused healing, deliverance, nor even that someone be raised from the dead. The Gospel is actually the unveiling of the will of God, manifested in Jesus. The ministry of Jesus was essentially to manifest the will of God.

So, if we are not certain of the will of God, all we must do is to look at Jesus; or read the New Testament. A Testament is the same as a Will. The word “testament” is the old English word, not used quite as often nowadays as the word “will”; such as when someone leaves a “will” before passing away. So, in actual fact, the New Testament is the New Will of God. So, we don’t ever have to wonder about the will of God. It’s all in the New Testament. His promises are His “will”. Our faith rests on “the will of God”.

Now, all believers were commanded to lay hands on the sick to heal them, and to cast out demons, etc. Jesus gave all that believe the authority and the power to heal, along with dominion over demons, as they preach His Word (Mk16: 15-19).

Jesus also said, “If you continue in My Word, then are you My disciples indeed.” You could translate the above verse like this: “If you continue to believe My Word, and preach it, then are you truly My disciples.” The authority and the power was given to all of us who believe. This means all He says we can do, we CAN do. He even added, “Greater things than they shall you do.” 

So, we can read the Gospel with the assurance that God is what He says He is, that God actually does what He says He will do. And by the same token, I can believe that I am what God says I am, and I CAN do what God says I can do. It is a fact. It is not a matter of praying and fasting hoping that you can become all that. It’s a matter of having the faith that you ARE what He says you are.

By the same token, you don’t have to try to get healed. You just have to believe that His Word says that you are healed. You have to put the Word above your circumstances, your feelings, and your pain and impose God’s truth on the devil’s lies. You have to see God’s Word as a declaration of fact; that is what brings you your healing. His eternal life is circulating in our bodies. “The life of Jesus Christ is manifest in our mortal flesh.” (2 Cor 4:11) 

When Mary said, “Let it be unto me according to your word,”, she received the Word of God as the seed of God. By the work of the Holy Spirit, she became pregnant with the Word of God! The Word of God has seeds in it…

You can only be sick if you let the devil convince you, and allow his word to be more powerful than God’s Word in you. Whoever you believe will in the end dominate you (Rom 6:16). Think about it, most people will take a pill to alleviate the pain. They put their faith in that pill, but there is no certainty that it will heal. Whereas God’s Word is certain, reliable and undeniable.

So there’s an aspect to the whole concept of healing, whereby you can speak the Word only. The Gospel has power to heal. Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, because it is the POWER of God that brings salvation (healing, deliverance, etc.) to everyone who believes.” (Rom 1:16). So you might as well put your faith in the Gospel. Fellowship with God’s Word. His promises to you are always “yes and amen”, meaning that they’re always a YES for you, and you can count them as DONE, that’s the power of the Gospel. So, take God’s Word, believe it, act upon it, live it, and share it. We do not have to bear the pain of our sicknesses, since He bore our sicknesses for us. “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” (Mat 8:17)  

TL Osborn, who was a well-known evangelist and missionary throughout the world, said that he never really laid hands on people to get healed. He simply preached the Word, and it was the Word and its power that healed people. And he has tens of thousands of healings to his credit. Same with Reinhard Bonnke, kathryn kuhlman, and so many others.

When you think about it, it’s the same with salvation. You don’t have to wait for someone to lay hands on you for you to be saved. You are saved by faith in His Word. After Jesus sent His disciples to go preach the Gospel and heal the sick, it says, “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following.” (Mk 16:20). They preached, they shared the Word, and they saw signs and wonders. Why? Because the Lord was “working with them, through His Word”. Wow, how AWESOME!

So no one needs a special gift of healing. The assignment was given to ALL believers. To preach the Gospel, share the WORD, lay hands on the sick, Jesus is there present, to heal. We don’t have to wonder if it’s His will either, His will is in His Word.

The Bible cannot be viewed as a common book. Why? Because it’s got energy in it. It should have a label on the front, like computers have, which says, “Intel inside”. It should say on the front of the Bible, “God inside”. It is alive. “The Words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life.” (Jn 6:63). God and His Word are inseparable.

The power of the Lord was present to heal them.” (Lk 5:17).