The Passion of Christ

The passion of Christ is the compassion that He had for the multitudes. (Mt 9:36). His greatest desire was to return people to their created destiny and their full potential, once freed from the lies of the enemy.–Lies that caused illnesses, demon possession, trauma, stress and fear. The Passion of Christ is for everyone to be filled with God’s Spirit so that they can live life to their full potential and purpose.

The vision that should burn in the heart of every believer should be to replicate that same passion. We know too much not to let people know. (Lk12:48). God said, “My people are dying because of a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6). If only people knew that they could be redeemed through the love of God, they could be transformed.

Only God has the kind of love that reaches the rejected and destitute: the sex traffickers, prostitutes, crippled, diseased, addicts, homeless and criminals. He can take a totally deranged terrorist leader like Paul and turn his demented vision around to the right mission and purpose for his life and make him a world changer. (Acts 13:47).

That’s what the vision and the passion of Christ is all about. He was willing to endure the cross because of that passionate hope that all men could be restored to their God-given destiny. His passion was translated into full-on heart wrenching compassion. He had such compassion on the multitudes that He healed and delivered them all. Preaching the Kingdom then revealed their true identity and lit up their destiny.

That vision and passion was embedded in His name. “Emmanuel” means God living in man. –The passion of God’s love burning in us humans. His life was for one purpose: “to show us the love of the Father”. He told us, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Lk17:21). –Meaning that all of the potential and destiny and reign of God is in you… if only you receive God’s passionate love for you. It’ll transform you and realign your vision with His.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He blew the Spirit of God on the disciples and said, “Receive ye the Spirit.” (Jn 14:26). Receive the new birth and new identity, and embrace the new vision that God has for your life.

Everyone in the whole world was created in the likeness of God (Gen 1:26)–not just the saved. The whole world is included in the “whosoever” (Jn 3:16). A homeless person carries the image of God too. He may not know it yet. –That’s why it’s our responsibility to let them know. Otherwise, they don’t know who they really are, and won’t fulfill their calling and destiny and may never know what all God has for them. There are only two kinds of people in this world…those who know Christ and those who’ll soon know Christ.

Paul said, “The love of Christ compels me.” (2Cor 5:14). It propels me to “go and to tell”. That’s the driving force that motivates believers. They want to tell the world the good news that all men can be restored to their full potential in this life

The word “compassion” is translated in all languages of the world as such: “you care enough to do something about it”. Someone’s got to tell them. The whole world has the potential to live a worthy life as children of a King. –A life rich with identity, honor, value and generosity.

We have to align our will with God’s will to care as He does, and to love this broken world and raise it from the deadness and the darkness it’s been sunk into by the lies of the devil. May God help us not to get sidetracked into petty doctrines or theology that will get us to sit and do nothing.  We are called to restore the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus said, “And you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is cummed upon you, and you shall be witnesses into Me!” (Acts 1:8). –The full power to go tell of the love of God which is filled with redemption.

You don’t have to wait till you know the name of every sickness, every disease, every malady of man or every demon. All you have to do is use your God-given authority to cast out those devils. Use the truth of God’s Word to refute the lies that the devil has been sowing throughout the world.

Physical healing is of course a visual manifestation of God’s miraculous transforming power, but let’s not forget about psychological, mental and emotional healing as well, which miraculously happens through the knowledge of the truth. The worst of all diseases is self-destruction, self-devaluation, and never being able to fulfill your God-given destiny. The healing that God gives is for the whole man. The worst sicknesses that the world is suffering from are psychological. People are defeated, lied to, deprived of grace and honor; deprived of peace and joy and integrity.

Jesus turned a woman that had no self-worth, all bent over, crippled and despised, into a respectable lady standing straight, and walking with her head up high, as a daughter of Abraham, –Actually a child of God. (Lk 13:10-17).

He spoke to a leper, all dirty, smelly from flesh decay, and disfigured by flesh decomposition, despised and ever so rejected. Jesus healed him so he could become a gentleman, rich with purpose, who could go around and share the good news of what God had done for him. (Mt 8:2).

Jesus took a man who was not only deranged, weird, with dirty matted hair, naked, fully possessed, rejected and feared by all, and turned him into a beautiful man, clothed, and in his right man, who then had such a powerful testimony and could become a world changer testifying of the miraculous and transforming love of God. (Lk 8:39)

We have been given the same power to heal and to deliver people, and to set them free, so they can be transformed into “love revolutionaries” bent for one purpose: to change the world with God’s love.

Can you be moved with compassion? The passion to do something to bring healing, life, light and deliverance to those people. We can all stop thinking about ourselves, working for ourselves only and loving ourselves only. All we need is a renewed vision. Like the apostle Paul, let’s embrace the destiny that God has for each one of us. Decide to walk in the accountability of what we know. Decide to care.  Decide to light up the world around you. Every sinner in the world is born with an awesome destiny.

They just do not have the knowledge of God’s love for them. They have been lied to by education, by the news media, by religion, by big pharma, by ethical oppression, by social media, by men demeaning women, by the movie industry that promotes self-image. Nobody is telling them the truth about who they truly are and what they truly can become. John told us that Jesus’ purpose for coming was “to destroy the works of the devil“ (1Jn 3:8) .

When meeting a gang leader, David Wilkerson saw that he was deceived, yet he brought him to Christ. And once he showed him the right way, he became a world changer, one who led a new gang of “love givers” and changed thousands after him! You may not be a preacher, or an evangelist, but we can all share the good news. Somebody cared for us. And the “delivered” becomes the “deliverer”.

Who will save your community, who will save your friends, who will save that country that you so desire to go to? Who will save the French, or the Ghanaians? Who will tell them about their potential and their purpose?

You can heal anyone of anything because the Kingdom of God is within you.

Will you care enough to go?