We have been given so much truth in the Word of God! Our gospel has POWER. It is in fact the POWER of God. It has the power to give LIFE to everyone who receives it. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (Jn 10:10b). 

We are living in the most exciting time in history — the endtime… when people’s faith and love is growing cold (Mt 24:12), and where every perversion and evil crime is rampant.  Where evil is replaced by good and good is replaced by evil. (Is 5:20). When people are departing from the faith, and there’s a great falling away of people who never really did believe. (2Th 2:3). When the doctrines of devils, and satanism are rampant. (1Tim 4:1). Where Eastern religions and practices are given full space, and Christianity is denied and fought against…even in nations like the USA and Europe, where people are supposed to stand for Christ.

This is the day that was spoken of as demons of rebellion fill our homes and schools. (1Sam 15:23) There are many 1000s of children living with one parent, due to an epidemic of divorce, breaking down the Godly-designed purpose for unified parents and the home life keeping a high moral standard. No wonder that rebellion amongst children and teens is rampant in our schools, causing death and destruction to innocent lives.

Sexual perversions are rampant and defiantly bold; going against God’s created design.  People are changing the glory of the incorruptible God into images. They have no shame anymore in dishonoring their own bodies. We’re living in this day that was spoken of, when people worship the creature and not the Creator. “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” (Ro 1:25). 

BUT, BUT, BUT… we’re also living in a MIGHTY REVIVAL. God promised that, “In that day, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” (Acts 2:17). Just think about it. We are the ONES… we have the HOLY SPIRIT of God living in US, and we can SHINE so much light. “They that know their God will do exploits.” (Dan 11:32b). This is no joke. This is for REAL.

“Where darkness abounds, grace and light will much more abound.” (Rom 5:20). That’s us shining God’s GRACE. (!!!)

We’re given that privilege to LIGHT up the world with the gospel, which is the greatest news ever told. Talk about GOOD news… If you were a salesman, you couldn’t think of a BETTER deal to offer to anyone… “You get freedom, you get health, you get joy, you get abundant life, you get a light on your face, you get no more stress, only peace, and… you get a permanent smile. And… Guess what?  It’s totally FREE. That beats the American dream any day…”

God help us all to realize how MUCH we’ve been given. It’s time to STAND up, MOVE up and GEAR up…

Now is the time to let the Holy Spirit BUST out and SHINE on people. We need to be aware of the fact that we’re NOT of THIS world, we have changed passports! “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” (Jn 15:19). We have found that “pearl of a great price” and sold everything in order to get it. (Mt 13:45,46).

If you want to truly be ENRICHED, do a study on everything that Jesus said about the kingdom. Research “the kingdom of God is as…” and you will be enriched by all that He is saying about the true GOSPEL. It’s such GOOD news bro.

The gospel pays for EVERYTHING. The sacrifice that Jesus made paid for us to be in FULL and INTIMATE communication and relationship with God. It paid for our HEALING of every disease. It paid for our FREEDOM from every evil work of the devil such as condemnation, shame, regret, depression, stress. “Come  unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you REST. ” (Mt 11:28).

We, who know HIM, do not have to live under the circumstances and the conditions that life serves us. We have the power to renew our mind DAILY by FIXING our eyes on the VICTORY of Christ. His victory has paid for us to live an abundant life…. Filled with joy, happiness, energy, peace, rest, love, faith, and so much more.

We are living the FULL purpose that was originally intended for man.

But we must renew our mind daily to our NEW identity. The devil’s favorite trick is to get you to look at the circumstances and the conditions rather than the VICTORY that Christ has served us. We must live our life looking constantly to JESUS. And that brings us constant VICTORY; not only to us, but we become radiant with His light, virtually electric with God’s ENERGY, and there is an aura about us that everybody SEES and WANTS.

MUSLIMS don’t have that. HINDUS don’t have that. There’s no life nor energy in religion. But there’s life and POWER in the gospel.

That’s the living, lit-up sample that we must reflect, and that people need to SEE in us. Yes, people have to see us live the GOSPEL, but they can only see it if we are constantly mirroring the VICTORY of Christ… Smiling, looking in people’s eyes, reflecting joy and happiness, sharing care and compassion, giving generously, just as if we had indeed found the source and fountain of all victory… which we have!

If you are not yet walking in victory, ask Jesus to be the LORD of your life. Tell him that you want Him to be at the rudder of your boat. Tell him that, whatsoever you do, you want to do it HEARTILY as unto HIM and not on to man. Tell Him that you want to be fully POSSESSED with HIS joy and HIS love and HIS ever-giving energy.

Put it into words everyday that you want to be JESUS, that you want to walk out His living sample everyday to everybody you meet. Practice smiling, practice generous caring, practice compassion everyday.  I mean it. Especially when you’re down… Give NO PLACE to the devil.

Paul said, “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel…” and Jesus said, “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Lk 9:26). 

Shine His light. Hallelujah…. We’re WINNING!