The New Man’s Morning Declaration

I’ve recently read the declaration that all students repeat every morning at the Dominion Bible Institute and I’ve found it very powerful, and thought of sharing it with you as a statement we should all profess unto ourselves every day to remind us of who we are and our God-given inheritance and destiny.


I’m a new creation,

Old things are passed away,

All things in me are new,

I am reconciled with God through Jesus Christ,

and God has given me the ministry of reconciliation,

God made Christ to be sin for me,

that I might be made the righteousness of God in Christ.


I am in union with God,

I am a partaker of His divine nature,

He that lives in me is of His DNA,

I am called out,

I am a new creature, and old things are passed away,

behold all things have become new,

and all those things, they are of God,

and I acknowledge them so.


I am Jesus to the world,

I go and I heal the sick,

and I preach His gospel,

I cast out demons,

I cleanse the lepers,

and I raised the dead,

because Jesus is in me,

Jesus is for me.

Therefore all things are possible,

nothing shall hurt me.

Behold He has given me power,

to thread on scorpions and serpents,

and over all the powers of the enemy,

and I crush him, where and when I see him,

and nothing shall hurt me

because I and my house are blessed,

and we serve the Lord.


I do whatever is necessary,

to be used in His kingdom,

the kingdom of light,

because I am the light of the world,

and darkness flees where I go.

As He is, so am I, in this world, right now.

I am bought with a high price and I am a new creature, in Christ.

I am joined with the Lord,

I’m one spirit with the Lord,

I am in Christ, and Christ is in me,

I am in the Father, and the Father is in me.


I am healed; mind, soul and spirit;

right now it is done, because it was paid for, 2,000 years ago.

I’m God’s son, because I am crucified with the Son of God.

My life is no more; He lives in me.and through me.

He has given me His name, His character, His nature;

everything He is, I’ve now become,

by faith in Christ.


I am God’s son and I am in His service.

I am the devil’s master and a servant to man.

everywhere I go, satan flees,

because everywhere I go, Christ goes.

and diseases die and devils depart.

His victory is my victory.