Faith Needs No Visible Proof

By: Paul Joseph

Faith doesn’t need any other proof than the Word of God as evidence. Faith doesn’t need to look at the circumstances or the facts, it only sees what the Word says is possible. If we go by anything we see before we decide if the Word of God is true, we are stepping out of faith.

With faith, the Word of God is the final authority. Anything else we look at may get us out of faith. Only faith gets results. The more “proof” you need outside of the Word of God, the less faith is needed.

When Jesus fought the devil in the wilderness, he didn’t tell him, “Listen buddy, you know who I am, you know I have authority, so get away”, none of that. He said, “it is written”. He only used the Word of God. The devil even told Jesus the secret to faith. He said “command” one of those stones to be turned into bread. He, as good as said, “all you have to do is command“. But Jesus focused on rebuking the devil with the Word.

If the devil can get you to doubt the Word of God, or even to get you to not use the Word of God, but to speculate about “power, authority, inheritance, name above all name”, he’s got you. All these things are great, but not as powerful as the actual Word of god. The Word of God in your mouth is as powerful as the Word of God was, in Jesus’ mouth.

That’s why we must not look at the evidence, the circumstances, or what some people may call “the facts”. We walk not by sight, but by faith. Only the Word of God can enforce your faith. If you never see any results, you can still act upon the Word of God. Why? Even, (and especially) without evidence, it’ll keep your faith pure. “Seeing” the manifestation can sometimes affect your faith because then you go by sight.

The secret to Faith is to “see” the Word of God as the final authority. We obey the Word by faith, and the results are only a consequence of our obedience to the Word. Once we’ve prayed for the sick for instance, if we should never get to see the manifestation, that should not affect our faith whatsoever.

Faith is really the only proof we need that what God said will happen. Hebrews 11:1 says “faith is the substance of hope. It’s the actual evidence of what we cannot see”. Hope is still waiting until it can have it or see it. But Faith actually sees it when it asks, and it considers it done. It is as good as having the title in hand.

The Word of God produces hope because it shows what is possible. But then you have to faith it. Hope is always in the future, whereas faith is always in the past. Hope says, “God is going to heal me, but faith says God has already healed me. A lot of people just don’t get answers because they stop with hope. They’re hoping that God will do what He says He will do. But did you ever notice that the promises of God are for the most part, in the past tense, such as in “See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the Lord swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them.” (Deut 1:8). As far as God is concerned, it’s already done.

Hope does not heal, but faith does. Faith is both evidence and an actual substance. It causes hope to come into being. Quantum physics is discovering that there are many subatomic particles that we cannot see. And Hebrews 11 talks about how the world was framed or made of things that cannot be seen. “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Heb 11:3). All subatomic particles were “formed” like we use forms before we pour concrete so it doesn’t just go wherever it pleases.

So by the same token, the Word of God became the “form” that framed the world and all that is in it. When the sub particles are all scattered you can’t see them, but when they are gathered you can see them.  Why? Because they are formed or framed. “Things that be not, as though they were“. “As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. (Rom 4:17,18) 

Because we are made in the image of God, we do the same thing. We use words as “forms” to bring about our destiny; “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prob 18:21). Whether we use words positively to define our destiny or negatively, our words work just the same. The law works both ways. Jesus explained that law to His disciples: “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:22 – 24) Notice the past tense in “believe that you have received it”. Our words “form” our faith.

It says faith is the evidence of the things not seen. Not faith and feeling, not faith and facts, but faith alone, pure faith is solid evidence. Faith is an actual title deed that you can hold in hand, as if you own the thing.

We sometimes think that we need to apply specific promises for specific problems. But the greater faith can apply general promises to any specific problems. Such as, any “whosoever” promise. We those for salvation…, “whosoever calls on the name of God shall be saved”. So why not use them also for healing, for deliverance, for addictive behavior and bad habits. The promises of God work on anything and for everything.

Some people say, “I believe I am healed, but I’m waiting for the manifestation of my healing”. That’s talking out of both sides of our mouth. It’s saying “I got it, but I’m waiting for it”. That’s not faith. We then have to start all over again when you step out of faith. We have to repent and ask God to forgive us; “I want to depend on your Word as the only solid rock”.

People say “God can do anything”; and that’s nice, but can God do this one thing that I’m expecting? Hope + God’s Word = faith. You don’t need faith for what you can see, you need faith for what you can’t see. That is why we need to start praising before we see.

Praise is the voice of faith. As soon as you “faith“ it, you start praising. We would certainly praise if we actually saw the immediate manifestation. So that’s what faith does, it praises because it has “seen” it.

There are a number of ingredients in the recipe of faith that have to all be there for faith to work. It starts with the hope that it is possible, then there has to be action added to hope. “Faith without action is dead”. Then there has to be words, because “with the mouth confession is made”; not with the heart only, not with the head or the mind, or with thoughts, but with the mouth. You have to speak out your faith with your voice. “I believe therefore I have spoken” (2 Cor 4:13). Faith is voice activated! And then there has to be rest. Rest is often spelled “perseverance”, but it’s still rest.

Faith is vocal. Especially before men and before unbelievers. If you do not speak out your faith, how will the unbelievers believe that you’re not also an unbeliever. What makes you different is the fact that you’re speaking faith.

The “action” of faith can sometimes be to do nothing. Just to “hold your peace”. That is what Moses told the people of Israel when they were caught between the Red Sea and the ongoing Egyptian army coming after them. He told them to “shut up”; don’t say anything. Hold your peace. In other words, hold on to your peace. Don’t let your peace go by voicing your worrying, your fears and your unbelief. Moses told them “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.(Ex 13:14). He spoke the end result.

Faith can stand in peace. Because its case is now rested. It’s turned the issue over to God. Faith never runs in fear. If it should run, it runs towards the giant like David did, shouting loudly,This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee.” (1 Sam 17:46). You keep shouting the Word of God at the enemy.

Faith is empowered by the Word of God and it uses it as a weapon. “Above all, take the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.” (Eph 6:18)