We’re Not Fighting The Devil

If you think about it, we’re not really fighting devils. We have been given authority over devils. “In my name they will drive out demons.” (Mark 16:17).

Jesus is, “Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.” (Eph 1:21). So the devil is defeated and unarmed. We’re not fighting devils.

Rather, we are warring against our own thoughts and the worldly culture around us so that we can walk in the new identity Christ gave us and in the righteousness that He has paid for us.

Just think about how much time the apostle Paul had to spend trying to convince the Jews who were soaked in their religious traditions, telling them that they no longer needed to pay for the atonement of their sins; no more sacrifices, no more animal slaughter, no more ongoing confessions, no more going behind the veil, no more pleading with the priest, no more paying penance… hoping, just hoping that one day, they may be redeemed.

The war is over. Jesus won, He paid the price in full in our stead. The devil always wants us to do more in order for us to merit our worth with God. But no more, Jesus paid it all.

The only war that’s left is the war within our mind, against the strongholds in our mind; our old mindsets. If we have to fight any more demons, then Jesus’s sacrifice was not enough. It is very important to remember that Jesus defeated the devil. We must constantly remind ourselves of the new identity that Christ has given us all. We must be convinced that we now have the righteousness of Christ; and that we have His authority, His power, and all His inheritance. Redemption takes care of devils. We just need to keep enforcing Jesus’ victory.

When we are told that Daniel the prophet, could not receive the answer to his prayer and had to wait 21 days, because the angel had to wrestle with the Prince of Persia. That was before Jesus died and conquered all victories. There are no more devils fighting against your prayers being answered. There is no demon that will stand in the way of your prayers. For one, we can walk boldly to the throne of God. We have direct access to God ourselves, along with Jesus personally interceding for us.

The saddest part about Christianity’s effectiveness in the world is a lack of knowledge. God said, “My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.” (Hos 4:6). If you truly understand and have full knowledge of your new identity, you won’t need to work for your worth.

The new identity provides inner security and inner integrity, which is righteousness; with yourself, with others and with God. Inner peace comes with the finished work of Christ. Once you walk in righteousness, there’s no more sins held against us. The new identity provides inner strength and inner peace.

In fact it makes you able to lift up others, share love, be gentle and kind, walk with courage and boldness so that you can encourage others. We have that power which is far above all the powers of the devil. The devil is not a menace.

But you say wait a minute, doesn’t it say that, “The devil is going around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Pet 5:8) Yes, but it also says in the same verse, “be alert, be vigilant”, meaning be aware of your identity, be conscious of Christ’ victory, don’t let yourself be lied to. Can the devil really devour a strong believing Christian who knows who he is in Christ? And it goes on to say in the next verse, “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” Isn’t that true? Believers are undergoing the same kind of identity crisis. “Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. (1 Cor 15:34)

Paul clearly says, “Give no place to the devil.” (Eph 4:27). Why?  Because he is a defeated foe. All this talk about the devil is just giving him way too much attention. It’s like going after a fly with a canon. All you do to flies is swat’m. The devil is the Lord of the flies and that’s as far as you can relate to the devil–an annoying fly.

Stop giving the devil space, time or credit. Just keep reminding yourself that Jesus is your Savior, redeemer, healer deliverer, victor, forgiver, justifier, grace giver, provider, and He lives in you and through you. Jesus is my overcomer. And give no place to the devil. How can the devil even find you anyway? For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God? (Col 3:2)

Stop talking about the devil, don’t give him any credit. “Resist the devil and he’ll flee from you.” That means stop acknowledging the devil’s thoughts all day long. That verse relates to: “Friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God”. Why would you want to talk about flies all day long? They have no place in me nor around me. Since you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Col 3:1).

The devil is a bluffer, a destroyer, a liar, and he has been defeated and disarmed.

“Put on the whole armor of God” simply means, put on your new identity. We are far above. Stop giving the devil space or time in your mind. Get brain-washed with God’s Word and with Jesus’ victory. Don’t dishonor the Lord by fighting devils constantly. It’s like telling Jesus that His victory hasn’t really finished the work. Let’s stay vigilant with our thoughts. “And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.” (Rom 6:13)

If people tell you that you need to be scared of the devil, tell them they need to read their Bible. And tell them that they need to stop honoring the devil. There is no war with a defeated foe. You don’t send a whole army to go to war against flies. You just swat them and you go on with life.

Far above all principalities and dominions. Just behold the Son’s victory. See Jesus and only Jesus and reject anything that comes against the truth of God. Get filled with God’s Word. The most powerful seed is God’s Word in us.