You Can’t Separate Knowing and Doing

Officers of the law have a certain air about them. You can recognize them anywhere, even when they are not in uniform. They don’t take off the authority and the “anointing” that they have.

And we as sons of God have a similar assignment. We’re always on the lookout to stop the works of the devil. We look for people who need healing so we can demonstrate God’s powerful love for them, we look for people we can help whether physically or spiritually, we look for people we can share testimonies with or the gospel, plain and simple.

When we walk in the authority of the Holy Spirit, we talk differently, we walk differently, we think differently and we act differently. Because faith expects things to go its way. If anything, faith is surprised if things don’t go God’s way.

You expect things to go the way you say they will go, the same as a police officer. That’s the “anointing” that God gives when we are born again and have the Holy Spirit power. “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto Me.” (Acts 1:8). Faith, authority and dominion should all work seamlessly. –And this happens when we work our faith. There must be the application of what we are hearing and learning from the Word, otherwise we only have the knowledge.

There’s a simple way to read and absorb God’s Word, and it’s with the desire, actually a commitment in heart, to obey it. That’s what the “fear of the Lord” is. It’s a reverence and an honor that you give to God and His Word as if you were sitting in class with a “master”. You wouldn’t think of taking a three month course with the best gymnast or basketball player in the world without the intent of not only mentally learning but also applying and practicing what he teaches.

That’s what Jesus meant when He said, “And every one that heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man…” (Mat 7:24-29). What would we think of a policeman standing on a street corner and seeing a shop getting robbed and he not doing anything about it? We’d immediately question his commitment. The world looks at Christians this way when the authority that we have in Christ is not manifested.

Walking by faith is more than having faith for one thing. Again, a policeman is not appointed to only stop bank robberies. He’s appointed to stop all evil doing. In our case, we’re not only appointed to stop the works of the devil, but to also demonstrate the goodness of God. Both!!

Did you ever notice that when Paul enumerated the FRUIT of the Spirit, the word “fruit” is singular; meaning that it is one fruit that encompasses all these… “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Gal 5:22-23). When we walk in the Spirit, we walk in all these. The same as a police officer is on the lookout against all evil doing. We’re on the lookout to do all manner of goodness for the Kingdom of God. And there are no laws against any of these. All of these comprise the uniform of a DOER of God’s Word. The Spirit of God in you empowers you with all of these. They all work seamlessly in us and through us. We love, we watch, we pray, we are a light, we do it all, and we’re ALWAYS on duty…