The Police Officer

Just now, I got through witnessing to a police officer. I needed to stop by my son’s house to pick up his truck. And because my son lives in a cul-de-sac, there is often a Constable car parked there.

Whenever my wife and I see a cop car, whether on the road, parked, or at a light, we roll down our window and shout “we are praying for you guys”. And we always get a very kind reaction. They are very persecuted and criticized nowadays much like Christians, and in fact their work is similar to ours. Theirs is to keep evil down, ours is to destroy the works of the devil in this world. I’ve found that officers need all the encouragement we can give them.

So this morning, I went on witnessing to this officer telling him that because they meet people oftentimes at the “finish” line, when they’re absolutely desperate or convicted, perhaps on their way to jail or to the hospital, we know they need special grace for every encounter. They have a big responsibility in addressing those problems, during those intense moments.

This officer told me that what they see is sometimes  almost unbelievable. I told him that my wife and I always try to witness and pray with everybody we meet. And in many respects, we are also in a similar work as we often meet people during very difficult times in their lives. And it’s not rare that people start crying in our arms.

I told him that I like to tell parents especially, “you may not be serious about teaching your children about Jesus, but the devil is very serious about destroying them”.

And the officer replied, “funny that you should share that; one time I was sitting in my car waiting for a call and I told God ‘why don’t you give me the calls YOU want me to go to, and I promise to be a soldier for you'”. And he added, “Believe it or not, ever since then, it’s exactly what happens… I even tell people that, any other officer could have come in my stead, but God sent me to help you, and I want you to think about reconnecting with your Creator.” By then, he had tears in his eyes and said, “you wouldn’t believe the miracles I see taking place in people’s lives when I tell them God sent me… people are so desperate for God. I usually end up leaving the site, bawling my eyes out…”

I said, “wow, that really enriches me that you’ve made that decision to be at God’s service. What a beautiful example you are of God’s love!”

We all need to reflect that kind of outgoing concern towards everyone we meet. They may not be in deep trouble such as when they meet a cop but nonetheless, we may very well be a catalyst in their life, at that very moment.

After praying for one other and blessing each other, I gave him a handbook. What an AWESOME encounter. One of God’s angels out there!!