The End Is Not Yet!

By Paul Joseph


Recently, someone sent me a talk given by this lady who was exposing the ills of the conspiracy of the world, to enslave people for the purpose of controlling the masses and bringing about a one world government. I’ve enjoyed her talk as not only is she right on, but her message was very well articulated.

The world is more and more concerned about the end time. And while it is important to know that we are living in the end of time, it’s equally important, if not MORE so, to awaken people, especially Christians, to be ACTIVE in this time of GREAT harvest.

Recently, my wife and I flew to a convention and on the flight, I got to sit next to this gentleman who, from the onset of the flight, engaged in a conversation about the end time. From what he professed, he’s already saved, but he went on and on about the ills of the world, from the pharmaceutical conspiracy to the food industry, the educational system, and all that the government is doing to pervert the world.

And I said all this is true, but we must NOT dwell on any of that. For one the Bible tells us that we must keep our MIND on only GOOD things. “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think [ONLY] on these things”. (Philipians 4:8)

The danger with keeping track of what the world is doing, is that you basically focus on the works of the devil. I told him that while it is good for us to be awake, aware and alert, we must also be ACTIVE for the kingdom. So many are concerned about the signs of the time, but at the end of enumerating all that will take place at the end of days, Jesus said: “but see to it that you are NOT alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is not yet”. If anything, the harvest is even more PLENTIFUL and we need to focus on harvesting.

This gentleman was so caught up in what the devil is doing in the world that his entire demeanor was one of anger, frustration, hate and revenge. None of that should be reflected in the deportment of a Christian. We are bearers of GOOD news. And we are to free people from focusing on the works of the devil in order to free their mind. Romans 6:16 says that whatever you focus on, whatever you magnify in your MIND, you become a SLAVE of, and while it’s important to know about the signs of the time, we have a massive job to do before the end comes.

The early disciples lived under very similar situations as we do now with the oppression of the Romans, the perversions of the world, the delusions of religion, not to speak of the intense persecution that they went through, which in our case is yet to come. So, it’s important to free our mind to focus on THIS gospel of the kingdom, to bring people to the knowledge of the truth, the true gospel, the one that FREES us from the evils of the world, and brings us into a kingdom of light where life becomes ever so abundant, fulfilling, and love-generating.

We must tell people that the only way to get out from under all that oppression and darkness is to COME IN to the kingdom of light.

Once we know the truth, lies have no power over you. Once we walk in the light, darkness has no power over you. Once we walk in agape love, fear and hatred no longer concern us.

Man can only find his true identity and destiny once he comes into the kingdom of God, where he can live under a different set of rules. That’s the whole purpose of the resurrection, that we may be a whole NEW creation, that we may live according to what God had intended for man to live, aided by the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus as a man, to walk in authority and dominion upon the earth, to destroy the works of the devil, by shedding light on his lies, by demonstrating the power of God against illnesses, addictions and oppressions, so that we may FREE those who are caught in the clutches of the world.

It is so important for us to turn every conversation that glorifies the devil, and bring out the contrasting option that God gives to man, through the victory of Jesus, that we may live a life filled with joy, peace, love and fulfillment – – enough to share and overflow upon others.

So folks, let’s be more AWARE, more AWAKE, more ALERT of the victory of the kingdom of God than of the ills of the world. Jesus said, “THIS gospel of the kingdom must FIRST be preached in all the world, and then [only then] the end will come”.

Let’s be ACTIVE in propagating the good news, every day, every way, always, and in all ways. That’s our job and responsibility. We are ACCOUNTABLE, because we know so much.