“Men’s hearts would be failing them for FEAR” in the Last Days.

(Luke 21:26)


Did you know that fear is today’s No.1 killer! Believe it or not, fear causes more sickness and more mental illness and more premature deaths than anything else on Earth! Doctors have discovered that heart muscle is actually destroyed when people are subject to great fear. Basically, the hormone, adrenalin, literally destroys heart muscles when people are subjected to intense stress and fear.

Worry also increases chances of infectious disease, in that it weakens the body’s ability to fight off germs, especially after prolonged trauma and anxiety. Heart trouble, high blood pressure, arthritis, and stomach ulcers are all basically caused by worry, tension, stress, and fear!

  • Fear produces anxiety
  • Fear stifles our thinking and actions
  • Fear hinders us from discovering our God-given destiny
  • Fear can drive people to destructive habits
  • Fear steals peace and contentment
  • Fear creates doubt.

Plus, fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation. I have known talented people who procrastinate indefinitely rather than risk failure. Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence, and the downward spiral begins.

If you’re tired of living in fear and its devastating impact on your health, it’s time to take action. In order to break free from the chains of fear and safeguard our well-being, it is imperative that we equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools to combat this overwhelming emotion.

Interestingly, medical professionals confirm that heart failure rates are currently at an all-time high due to the prevalence of fear. It is evident that fear has gripped the hearts of people today. It is a confirmation of what Jesus prophesied in Luke 21:26 that “men’s hearts would be failing them for FEAR” in the Last Days. People are consumed by apprehension about the future, the state of the world, social pressures, academic or professional failure, and the fear of unemployment. Moreover, they worry incessantly about their financial stability and providing for their families.

This fear largely stems from selfishness and an excessive preoccupation with self-preservation, self-image, and what the future may hold for oneself. However, the Apostle John reminds us that “Perfect LOVE casts OUT fear,” for fear has torment.”–1John 4:18. When that “perfect love” that comes from Jesus fills our lives, it crowds out this type of selfish worry and fear, and when our hearts are filled with love for others, then we don’t think and worry about ourselves so much.

There are various types of worries and fears that plague us, but two of the most common revolve around the past and the future: regret over past actions and fear of what lies ahead. To overcome these anxieties, we can take inspiration from modern ocean liners. These ships are designed with the ability to seal off compartments by lowering steel doors at the captain’s command. In a similar fashion, we must learn to close the doors on our past mistakes and failures, as well as shut out unnecessary fears of the future. By doing so, we can focus on living in the present moment alone, preventing our worries from engulfing us and causing us to falter.

In Matthew 6:34, Jesus advised, “Do not worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Too many individuals resemble a person in a mental institution whose primary concern was the fear of not receiving their next meal. The moment one meal concluded, they would immediately fixate on the next, expending most of their time and energy in worry. How absurd! It is irrational to fret about the future. Why bother opening an umbrella when it’s not even raining nearby?

Furthermore, have you noticed that it is the things that never come to pass that tend to cause us the most distress? Just like the renowned writer, Mark Twain, remarked towards the end of his life, “I’m an old man, and I’ve had many troubles—most of which never happened!”

A businessman decided to create a “Worry Chart” to document his anxieties. It revealed that 40% of his worries were concerning events that, in all likelihood, would never occur; 30% of his concerns were related to past decisions that he could not change, while 12% revolved around the criticism he received from others. Additionally, 10% of his worries were centered on his health. Surprisingly, he came to the realization that only 8% of his worries held valid reasons! As Christians, we are fortunate enough to have a different perspective.

One of the most powerful liberations for a Christian is being free from fear. This includes all types of fear: fear of the unknown, fear of the dark, fear of enemies, fear of failure, and fear of death. In Jesus, we experience complete freedom from fear. When you place your trust in God, fear is replaced by faith. You can rest assured that your Heavenly Father loves you and will take care of everything that concerns you—your family, future, job, spouse, children, and every aspect of your life. You’ve been redeemed and made a child of God and you can have faith in His provision. It is faith in Jesus that shields us from fear. Trusting in God is the ultimate antidote to fear in this world.

Remember the comforting words of Psalm 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” Also, take solace in the knowledge that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). As 1 John 4:18 reminds us, perfect love casts out all fear.

It is impossible for faith and fear to coexist within your mind and heart simultaneously. Just as the natural law of physics states that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time, this holds true in the spiritual realm as well. Faith and fear are polar opposites, and when faith is present, fear cannot exist.

Activating the power of faith within your heart is akin to illuminating a dark room with light. When you step into a dark room, how do you dispel the darkness? Do you attempt to shoo it away or engage in a physical confrontation? No, you simply switch on the light, allowing the radiance to permeate the space. And as a result, darkness retreats in defeat.

Discover the secret to conquering fear by immersing yourself in the Word of God through your Bible. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith COMES by hearing the WORD of GOD!” As you faithfully consume God’s Word, your faith will flourish and grow. It is the power of the Word that fortifies your spirit and amplifies your faith. The more you engage with the Word, the stronger your faith becomes, ultimately diminishing the grip of fear.

On the other hand, the most profound and healthy fear we can have is the fear of God. As stated in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” But it is a different kind of fear, it is more akin to reverence. This fear is not born out of terror, but rather out of a deep respect and honor for our Creator, similar to a child’s respect for their father. Just as a child recognizes their wrongdoing and expects discipline, we too should acknowledge our imperfections and understand the consequences of our actions. Fearing God is an act of worship, a way to honor and show the utmost respect for His divine authority.

But again, it is crucial to distinguish between this healthy fear of God and the destructive fear associated with the devil. Fearing the devil and his powers is a form of worshiping evil, something we must never engage in, not even for a split second. As Matthew 4:10 emphasizes, “Thou shalt worship the LORD thy God and HIM ONLY shalt thou fear!” The wise King Solomon also reiterated in Ecclesiastes 12:13 that our duty as individuals is to fear God alone and keep His commandments.

By placing our faith in God and maintaining a healthy fear of Him, we open ourselves up to His guidance and wisdom, enabling us to live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Fear is the primary source of the Devil’s power. He often resorts to intimidation tactics, attempting to frighten and unsettle you with his menacing words. But remember, you have the choice to not heed his lies. Jesus himself referred to the Devil as “A LIAR from the beginning.” (John 8:44) The Devil is a deceiver who often bluffs and rarely has the ability to carry out his menacing threats. This holds especially true for those who are children of God, shielded by the protective embrace of the Lord’s Holy Spirit and Angels.

Allow me to draw a comparison that might help illustrate this point. Recently, while I was out shopping, I encountered an ugly little Pekinese dog that caught my attention. For no apparent reason, the tiny creature started barking and yapping at me frantically. Its owner, an elderly lady, promptly scooped it up and casually remarked, “Oh, don’t worry! He’s just a little DEVIL!” This incident struck me as a profound lesson about the nature of the Devil himself. Despite the loud noise he generates, in reality, he remains insignificant and powerless when compared to the might of the Lord.

Rest assured, there’s no need to fear or worry about the power of satan, for God surpasses any devil or even satan himself! The might of the Lord is immensely greater. As 1 John 4:4 states, “GREATER is He that is in YOU (Jesus), than he that is in the WORLD (the Devil).” In essence, God affirms, “My power within you far exceeds the Devil’s power over the world’s children—by leaps and bounds!” Even the entirety of Hell’s demons, including Satan, bow to your authority, thanks to the power of CHRIST residing in you. Jesus proclaimed, “ALL power is given unto ME in Heaven and in Earth!” (Matthew 28:18).

While you, on your own, may not be stronger than the Devil, JESUS is! And you have Jesus and His power, which compels the Devil and his demons to obey your commands when you declare them in Jesus’ name! If you ever feel the Devil attacking you with fears, worries, or anxiety, remember that you can pray in the Name of Jesus and resist, ultimately conquering him. Remember, using the name of Jesus, is like acting on the behalf of Jesus. In Luke 10:19, Jesus declares, “Behold, I give you power over all the power of the Enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” This incredible power is available to you if you choose to believe in His Word, embrace His promises, and pray in the mighty Name of Jesus!

Furthermore, with unwavering faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you possess the authority to directly resist the Devil, just as Jesus and His early disciples did.

Fear can only be addressed in one way: head on. So whenever the Devil tries to attack, frighten, or scare you, muster all His strength, and with a resounding voice, exclaim, “I REBUKE YOU IN JESUS’ NAME!”. When you confront the devil and resist him in the name of Jesus, he will retreat. You cannot achieve victory over the Enemy by running away from him. Victory comes when you stand your ground, causing him to run.

Some fears may be products of imagination, while others may be real. Nonetheless, whether genuine or imaginary, you possess the power to rebuke and eliminate your fears in the name of Jesus. You must battle fear and confront the Devil head-on.

Acknowledge the presence of your fears, differentiate between what is real and what is not, and take a stand against them. It is through this process that you will find true liberation from fear.

Here’s another effective way to combat fear: by praising the Lord and reciting His Word aloud. Immerse yourself in faith-building Scriptures such as Psalm 23, which proclaims, “The Lord is my shepherd…I will fear no evil.” Shift your focus solely to Jesus, His unfailing love, and His limitless power. According to Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Some fears may require assistance in overcoming. Certain individuals grapple with deep-rooted fears that manifest as phobias—for example, feeling trapped in closed spaces, fearing the outdoors, heights, tunnels, darkness, or snakes. If you’re grappling with an extreme fear and feel unable to conquer it on your own, seeking support from someone to pray with you can be immensely helpful in finding deliverance from that fear. The power of unity is emphasized in the Bible, in Matthew 18:19, it is promised that if any two individuals agree and pray for something, it will be granted by our Heavenly Father.

It is important to recognize that deep-rooted fears often stem from negative spiritual influences, such as demons or bad spirits. Thankfully, these spirits of fear can be commanded to depart in the powerful name of Jesus, and they are bound to obey (James 4:7). Remember, the Devil may try to intimidate, but he is the one who trembles at the sight of even the weakest saint on their knees. There is no need to fear him, for he was already defeated over 2,000 years ago when Jesus achieved victory for our souls on the Cross of Calvary.

Harness the incredible power bestowed upon you by Jesus and His Word to triumph over the Devil and conquer all fears that may plague your life. Embrace the transformative strength of prayer and unwavering faith, and experience the liberating freedom from fear that awaits you today. In the name of Jesus, claim your victory!