Daily Reflection for Success

We’re not in this world to just live and die, but rather to make a difference, to change the world for good. All of us are called to leave an imprint on the world. We ought to want to die empty, having fought a good fight and  finished the course (2 Timothy 4:7,8). The spirit of leadership is a mindset that allows one to rise above the masses. Leadership is a God-given responsibility that we must pursue and cherish.  

The quotes and scriptures in this daily devotional are not just “good sayings” or inspirational thoughts. These are tried and proven reflections that come from the heart and soul of great men and women who have reached awesome goals and have left us with a legacy of powerful principles. These are the people who have fought for their dreams and visions. They have learned through life’s tests, failures and successes and have squeezed the essence of wisdom that comes from passing through the fire and coming out on the other side victorious. 

Many of these quotes are from men and women of God who studied and followed God’s Word and used it to fuel their vision. God’s Word is His wisdom and when lived out daily, it is the guiding light to our daily path as it contains all the ingredients to success and victory!

Don’t just read these quotes and scriptures, believe them and walk them out. It’s not your aptitude that determines your altitude, it is your attitude. Be a winner. 


These inspired quotes should be read everyday to instill in us the right spirit to live as leaders, winners, and champions for the Lord’s cause. You can download the book for donation of any amount.