Paul Joseph and his wife, Linda, have dedicated the past four decades to missionary work across various parts of the world. Their remarkable journey has spanned continents, with 12 years of service in Asia, including the Philippines and Japan, 8 years in both Eastern and Western Europe, and a decade in Africa.

One of the significant milestones in their mission work occurred in Côte d’Ivoire, Africa, where they undertook the construction of a Bible school within a Liberian refugee camp. This compassionate endeavor earned them the prestigious “Palm of Love” award, a recognition bestowed upon individuals who selflessly devote their lives to assisting those in need.

In addition to their humanitarian work, Paul and Linda have authored a valuable resource known as the “Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus.” This handbook serves as a practical guide for Christians, offering insights into the transformative power that comes with being “born again” and helping individuals strengthen their connection with God. Compact in size, this handbook is a valuable companion for those who seek to deepen their spiritual journey.

At its core, the Christian life revolves around a profound knowledge of the Word of God, as highlighted in John 8:31-32. While attending weekly church services is essential for fellowship, the most vital connection lies in one’s personal relationship with the Lord and His Word. Christians are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the verses contained in this handbook, enabling them to provide meaningful answers to those seeking to understand the essence of the Gospel.

Paul has also authored a number of other books which can be found on this website. His aim and vision is to activate Christians’ faith so that it can be demonstrated and manifested on a daily basis to the lost world. As Christians, we are meant to be a light to the world and therefore we are commissioned to shine wherever we go and light up the life of whoever we meet, always, and in all ways.

Paul also writes a devotional called The DAILY MEDS aimed at inspiring Christians to understand who they are in Christ, and to utilize all that Christ has provided through His sacrifice, so that we live out our Christian faith, and love on the world around us, daily.