Author Archives: SHDJ

Shyness is I-ness

There is not much room for shyness in the Lord’s work. Shyness is not humility. Shyness is thinking about yourself. Shyness is just an “I” before “sh”. The shy person is so busy thinking about himself, that he lives in a self-effacing state of self-consciousness. Shyness has nothing to do with humility. It’s overcautiousness aimed […]


Whhhaat? You mean full-time blessings? Yep… Why? Because it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. He wants to bless you all the time. Why? Because you’re his child. God’s blessings are bestowed upon His sons and daughters in many ways. Through His Word He teaches us how to secure those blessings for […]

Unashamed Boldness!

Boldness is one awesome gift that the Holy Spirit empowers us with: unashamed boldness (Acts 1:8).  We have the conviction to SPEAK OUT and to STAND UP for what we believe is right and true and loving, and that’s why Christians must be bold in speaking out their faith unashamedly. If you truly believe in […]