Category Archives: Christianity is not a Religion, But a Kingdom

Casting Your Pearls Before Swines

Success in life is a great achievement, but success in the wrong pursuit is the saddest tragedy of all. Time spent in pursuit of the wrong purpose or without purpose entirely is the greatest waste of human potential. We all have a purpose specifically designed for us by God. When we follow that purpose, our […]

And Then… The End Shall Come

Here’s something interesting about the Kingdom and the end of the world… Remember when the disciples asked Jesus: “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Thy coming and of the end of the world?” Jesus went through a whole list of signs that will take place in the […]

Why Seek the Kingdom FIRST?

Anxiety is the plague of this century. People don’t know how to discipline their mind and control their thoughts. They’re at the mercy of the media. Therefore they live in fear, and have frequent anxiety attacks. Why? Because when you start worrying, the devil gets a hold of your mind and can spin it just […]

THIS Gospel of the Kingdom

Why did Jesus, when sending His disciples, say, “As you go, preach THIS Gospel of the Kingdom?” (Mt 24:14). He didn’t send the disciples to announce a new religion, but His Kingdom. If we label Christianity as a religion, we lower Christ to the level of Muhammad, Buddha, and all the gods of Hinduism and […]

Wanted: MANAGERS for the Kingdom on Earth

The most important aspect of the Kingdom is management (See the parable of the talents in Mat 25:14-30.) God calls us to be managers of His Kingdom on earth. The Kingdom is in the business of managing resources; souls, funds, property, community, rights, and yes, all resources on earth. Therefore, Christians should definitely study “business […]

The Holy Spirit DEMONSTRATES the Kingdom

Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit is the most neglected person or the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the energy with which God demonstrates His power. It is the power of God…the “dunamis”. It is the spiritual energy in us to show the power of God and it is the privilege of every believer. After Jesus was […]

What’s the TRUE Gospel?

 What was Jesus’ main assignment on earth? What was the main reason He came to earth? What was it that He came to preach? Was it so that man could be born again? Was it to redeem mankind of its sin-nature? Was it to destroy the works of the devil? Was it to be a […]

The Kingdom of God is HERE.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place, but the Kingdom of God refers to the government of God. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus preached the “Kingdom of God”. The exact wording of “the Kingdom of Heaven” is only found in the Gospel of Matthew, more than 30 times. The phrase “Kingdom of God” is used in […]

We Live by a Different Set of Laws

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Rom 8:2). “The law of sin and death” is the earth’s cursed system. After the fall of Adam, the Lord told Adam that because he disregarded obeying God’s command, the earth was now […]

You CANNOT SEE the Kingdom of God unless You’re BORN AGAIN (Jn 3:3)

That verse is so intense. Jesus was not just talking about entering into the kingdom, but was saying you’re not able to see the unseen, to really grasp the things of the spirit. Paul explains how “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither […]

Don’t WASTE your money. INVEST

I don’t know if you keep track of where you spend your money. But you should, if only to find out if you are investing it or wasting it. Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up […]

There’s no “HO HUM” about JESUS

The claims of Jesus in the Bible, from a carnal view, are absolutely outlandish and preposterous! If these are false, He would be the greatest deceiver that the world has ever seen!–Or He’d be the greatest lunatic that has ever stepped on this earth. However, since Jesus fulfilled all claims about Himself, then it changes […]

You can’t MISS Him–He’s EVERYWHERE

I’m going to go on with this AWESOME revelation about WHO Jesus really was, and is! As we consider the Jesus of the Bible, everyone has their own opinion; some will say that He’s a prophet, others will say that He was a spiritual guru, but Jesus Christ Himself said that He’s none other than […]