Category Archives: Daily Meds

The REST of God

I have decided to do something different with this DAILY MED. I want to expand on the REST of God, and what it means to truly rest. My son sent me a short video from Graham Cooke that explains it best. So I decided to just include this video right here. Please click on it. […]

In The “Mean” Time!

After prayer there’s often a time of waiting. And that time is a testing time. It’s the “waiting room” of God, and many prayers are discarded during that time. After desperate prayer, what should be your stance of faith in the meantime? We call it “meantime “, because that period of time is “mean”, and […]


Most of us know that it’s not circumstances that direct our destiny, but what we decide to do in face of the circumstances. God has given all of us the same gift of choice. And that means that we’re the ones who can make or break our dreams. Proverbs 22:13 says, “The lazy man is […]


Christian parents have such an important responsibility in today’s world to raise their kids right. Bottom line is: if you’re not passing on your Christianity to your children, your faith will die with you. That is the flagrant problem in most churches, seeing so few young people in attendance and involvement. Because TV is such […]

The One DAY That Changed The History of The WORLD

Jesus gave His disciples predictions about His death and the events that followed: “So that when it does take place you may believe” (Jn 14:29). In fact, all throughout His ministry, He not only told people that He was the Son of God, but that He would die and RISE AGAIN. He predicted His resurrection […]

Why Give?

Did you know that GIVING is an essential aspect of our new identity as Christians? Giving is VERY important to God because He‘s a giver (Jn 3:16). Did you know that the reason God destroyed Sodom was not because of the sin of sexual perversion, but because they had “plenty” and they did not give […]

STAND in the Gap

We are at war, and because there is a battle raging against us and those who the Lord wants to reach, it is important to know how to pray! “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but  mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2Cor 10:4). When the battles hit us, […]

Never DOUBT For a Moment!

The devil wants to see if he can get you to doubt God’s Word. Doubts are the devil’s thoughts and Satan’s words.  When you’re doubting in your own mind, you’re thinking the enemy’s thoughts!  When you’re voicing the enemy’s thoughts, you’re spreading Satan’s propaganda. Jesus said, “He (Satan), from the beginning, abode not in the […]

I Will Have MERCY

“I will have mercy and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13).  In other words, “I would rather see you have love and not just a dutiful law-keeping offering of sacrifices and good works.  I’d rather you give love to somebody than to just be so self-righteous and judge and condemn them.” The drunks, drug addicts, street-walkers and […]

The Importance of FELLOWSHIP

Can you imagine for a moment if people from the same fellowship would gather in someone’s house every evening, with their families, to dine together, and then fellowship, share testimonies of what the Lord did that day, and then prayer, communion and worship? WOW… how cool would that be? The Book of Acts is in […]

Beware of CURSES!

Most curses come out of our mouth when we are angry. And I am not talking about using God’s name in vain, but rather I’m referring to putting a curse on someone by saying, “You’ll NEVER…” or, “You’ll ALWAYS…” We all have some sort of authority over different people. Teachers have authority over their pupils, […]

Run to the Father

I love to receive a call from my eldest son, James. Perhaps because he always has a beautiful testimony of what the Lord is doing in his life, or some awesome lesson that he is learning. Today he was telling me that he had a wonderful day planned out to study the Word, since his […]


You don’t have a testimony without a test. For us to have an outstanding testimony, it requires not only thinking outside the box, but stepping out. If all we do is live in our “possible”, we’ll rarely see God move in our life. God takes the “impossible to man” and makes it possible (Lk 18:24). […]

Have You Deviated?

“All we, like sheep, have all gone astray. We’ve all gone our own way” (Isa 53:6). At one time or another, we’ve all deviated, definitely before salvation, and most likely after as well. But God still loves us. We are His children and He will always take us back, if we repent, as in the […]

There’s MORE !!!

I wake up every morning and once I have greeted Jesus, I tell Him, “I know there’s MORE. Tell me MORE, show me more.” The Christian life is a never ending source of revelations, growth, and amazement. I flew in from abroad yesterday and got into a shuttle bus at the airport, and the driver, […]


Many, in the world, view themselves as “tolerant”, meaning, “I accept people for who they are without passing judgment on any action or lifestyle choice.” But are we to accept any and all lifestyles? It’s not only the Bible that clearly delineates some attitudes, or lifestyles as sinful and displeasing. In any family, parents have […]

Pray BOLD Prayers

God wants us to pray BOLD prayers. “That we may come boldly and obtain mercy and find grace in times of need.” (Heb 4:15) That’s so cool that we’re given this privilege, but how and why? Even in the Old Testament, God honored BOLD prayers. Look at Nehemiah (Neh 1:5-11) and Moses (Ex 32:11-14) who […]


“Verily I say unto you, that whoever shall say unto this mountain, ‘Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;’ and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says.” (Mk 11:21, 23) Jesus did not demonstrate […]

You CANNOT SEE the Kingdom of God unless You’re BORN AGAIN (Jn 3:3)

That verse is so intense. Jesus was not just talking about entering into the kingdom, but was saying you’re not able to see the unseen, to really grasp the things of the spirit. Paul explains how “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither […]


You don’t have faith just because you have heard the FAITH message. To know about faith is not enough. We must have a clear understanding of it ourselves, what we call a “revelation” of God’s Word to put it to work in our lives. Unless you really “get it”, someone may talk you out of […]


Addiction is not spoken about that often because it’s simply something that affects most everybody, and we’re ashamed to admit that we’re addicted to something. In fact, it’s one of the devil’s favourite attacks on people. Why? Because once he’s got you addicted to something he’s got you totally distracted from God. The minute you […]

The Sabbath REST

In the old testament, Jews had to stop one day a week to rest. It was commanded in the Old Law, and it was mandatory. However, in the new testament, we have entered into the rest of God. Our redemption includes that rest. However, the Bible tells us that we must “labor” to enter into […]

Control Your EMOTIONS

Renewing your mind, does not ONLY mean to discipline your thoughts, it includes your emotions. Paul says, “To be controlled by human nature (emotions) results in death; to be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace. Those who obey their human nature cannot please God.” Rom 8:6, 8 (GNT) We need to learn […]

Are You FULLY Persuaded?

“Abraham did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strengthened in faith.. and being fully convinced that what God had promised He was able to perform.” (Rom 4:20, 21) Wow, that verse gets me every time. Are we fully convinced that what God has promised, He’s able to get it done? […]

How to handle RUDE PEOPLE?

How do you handle rude people? You don’t. You let God handle them. Let him be your defender. Civilization is losing its civility. People are getting ruder! The Internet allows people to hide behind the screen and say things online they would never say to others face-to-face. Small people belittle others, thinking it will make […]


You don’t get wisdom from television. You don’t get it from the Internet. You don’t get it from magazines. Wisdom comes from God. Pro 2:6 says, “It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding”. A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.” Prov 15:14 (NLT) […]

Those Who Love are HUMBLE

 In the Bible, 1Cor 13, has been dubbed the “love chapter”. However, within those “love” verses there is mention of a number of actions that can be performed in PRIDE:  the gift of prophecy and tongues, the knowledge of mysteries and faith to move mountains; even giving to the poor and giving one’s life. It […]


The Bible says to be ready ALWAYS to give an answer to whoever asks you. (1Peter 3:15) When you’re full of love and truth and light, you can always be ready. We should always be ready to help, always be ready to give. We have the most beautiful commission ever given to man, that is […]

STAND UP AND STAND OUT FOR JESUS! (The discipline of a Disciple–part 14)

Look at most COMMUNISTS today! Look how much you hear about THEM and THEIR cause. They’re certainly dedicated, often very sacrificial, determined and active, willing to even lay down their LIVES to reach their goal of World domination! Can the same be said of the vast majority of CHRISTIANS? Unfortunately, the vast majority of so […]

Persecution…? Not ME… ! (The discipline of a Disciple–part 13)

I read a story about this Christian pastor who witnessed to a lumberjack that had come to town for a few days, from way out in the virgin forests of northern Canada, and he received Jesus. “Now that you’ve made Jesus your Lord, Jake, your life is going to change,” the pastor said. “How’s that?” […]

The SCHOOLING of a Disciple! (The Discipline of a Disciple – part 12)

For those of us who know and love Jesus, our whole experience in this life is like a great SCHOOLING. The LORD is our Teacher Who wants to teach each of us all we need to know about Him and His Love, salvation and service, and to help us to be yielded to Him and […]


Mother Teresa once said, “The worst sickness is not being LOVED.” During this time of holidays and festivities, we must remember those who feel rejected. They’re not only the homeless, they’re also those who are homebound, the elderly, those who are grieving, and anyone who feels isolated in their personal problems and situation. The breakdown […]