Category Archives: Daily Meds

FOCUS on the JOY!

Perspective is everything. Jesus demonstrated that “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb 12:2) Jesus set this joy of seeing all of us redeemed before Himself, and that allowed Him to endure the […]

Who do you Follow?

To truly follow Christ means He has become everything to us. Everyone follows something: friends, popular culture, family, selfish desires, or God. We can only follow one thing at a time (Mat 6:24). God states we are to have no other gods before Him (Exo 20:3; Deut 5:7; Mk12:30). To truly follow Christ means we […]

Don’t WASTE your money. INVEST

I don’t know if you keep track of where you spend your money. But you should, if only to find out if you are investing it or wasting it. Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up […]

Let’s not remain Babies

Discipleship is the process of growth from a spiritual baby to a spiritual adult. It means you’re maturing in your faith. You’re getting stronger. You’re developing some muscle. Some Christians get saved but they remain babies. The ONLY feeding they receive is a “bottle” every Sunday from their pastor. That’s not enough to really grow […]


What is the reason so few people get things from God? Christians are divided into two different classes: Those who pray who really EXPECT something to happen, and those who just pray and do NOT expect anything to happen. Prayer is first a means unto an end, a connecting link between human needs & divine […]


Whether you accept & believe in its teachings or not, it cannot be denied that the Bible is the most remarkable, amazing & absolutely UNIQUE book that has ever been written! Once you realise that the religion of LOVE that Jesus TAUGHT, and the religious TRADITIONS that many Christians today PRACTICE have little or nothing […]

The BIG lie!

“The FOOL hath said in his heart,’There is no God’!”–Ps 14:1. Here’s one.of the best explanations I’ve read on evolution and its ill effects on our society. It’s taken from the writings of D. Brant B. You should use these facts and scriptures when debunking evolution. “It’s so ridiculous for Man to NOT believe in […]

THE Spreading of GOSSIP!

I heard this amazing story regarding our attitude towards others, and how the words we say about them can really affect them and so many around us. “Some people are like billy goats. Why? Because they go around “but-ing” everyone! They will say, “But,” every time they hear something that they don’t want to accept. […]


When faced with a tremendous battle against overwhelming opposition, Jehoshaphat desperately PRAYED and threw himself completely on the LORD, confessing his own weaknesses and inabilities. Then, after receiving God’s promise that HE would give them the victory, Jehoshaphat put his FAITH into ACTION by having the singers and musicians lead the troops, shouting and singing […]

A Parent’s PRAYER.

If you’re a parent, you’ll appreciate this article. The responsibility given to parents is the biggest responsibility ever given to man. –to care for God’s little ones. May God help us to take it ever so seriously. Newspaper columnist Abigail Van Buren has composed a “Parent’s Prayer” in which she stresses the practical side of […]

“If anyone….” (The discipline of a disciple — part 11)

 Every so often, I like to recapitulate in order to surface and catch our breath. My main vision in putting together the DAILY MEDS is for the purpose of explaining WHAT TRUE CHRISTIANITY IS and defining a path for us to actually be DISCIPLES of JESUS. We have spent a few weeks in “Understanding the […]

There’s no “HO HUM” about JESUS

The claims of Jesus in the Bible, from a carnal view, are absolutely outlandish and preposterous! If these are false, He would be the greatest deceiver that the world has ever seen!–Or He’d be the greatest lunatic that has ever stepped on this earth. However, since Jesus fulfilled all claims about Himself, then it changes […]

You can’t MISS Him–He’s EVERYWHERE

I’m going to go on with this AWESOME revelation about WHO Jesus really was, and is! As we consider the Jesus of the Bible, everyone has their own opinion; some will say that He’s a prophet, others will say that He was a spiritual guru, but Jesus Christ Himself said that He’s none other than […]

Your Worst Enemy (The Discipline of a Disciple Part -10)

There are actually only 2 religions in the world: GOD-dependence, is true Christianity. All other religions depend on self efforts to SAVE them. You either go after God in full-on obedience and righteousness or you try to make it by your OWN righteousness, through self-dependence. Our righteousness is in Christ and In Christ alone. But […]

Attack Attack Attack. (The Discipline of a Disciple Part – 9)  

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about the second major tactic of the devil. That is to get you to either return to the world or live a life of compromise. Jesus expects us to be focused and determined in our discipline. said, “If your eye be single then your whole body is […]

The WILES of the devil ( The DISCIPLINE of a DISCIPLE part-8)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the WILES of the devil” (Eph 6:10-17) What are those “wiles” of the devil? If you are born again, the attacks of the devil against […]

Steadfast, Immovable and FAITHful (Discipline of a Disciple. Part 7)

Today we will cover a more militant aspect of the life of a disciple. The life of a warrior who represents the kingdom relentlessly. One who must be depended upon and faithful unto the end. The life of a disciple is not always an easy life. It’s a life of battle, difficulties, and hardship. In […]

FIRST Love! (The discipline of a disciple. Part 6)

God created man to love Him. And He is jealous of our relationship and Intimacy. Why? Because in Him are all the right values for life, and he doesn’t want us to deviate after other gods and idols. As a good Father, He wants to guard our attention and our heart from going astray. God […]

LIVING HOLY! (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 5)

If you have been receiving the DAILY MEDS for the last month or so, you have gone through the NEW MAN series where we explained the death of the old man and our NEW IDENTITY in Christ …being born again. We also underscored the fact that THAT transformation took place in the SPIRIT. It is […]

You CAN’T Play Both ENDS (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 4)

 We’ve been talking about what a true disciple of Jesus Christ is supposed to be, and how he’s supposed to live, and how he’s supposed to affect the world around him. So far, we have covered: The importance of witnessing our faith, shining our light. The importance of speaking the Words of God with authority […]

Jesus took LOVE to a whole NEW LEVEL! (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 3)

 “I give you a NEW commandment: Love one another. You must love one another as I have loved you. By this shall all men know that you are my DISCIPLES, if you LOVE one another” (Jn 13:34-35). All that man was left with after the fall was a human kind of love. But Jesus brought […]

How YOUR miracles will HAPPEN. (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 2)

I told you that I would try to lead you through the number of exercises to spell out the different disciplines of a disciple. To be a Christian requires following Christ. –Essentially, to be imitators of Christ. This next one is one of the most powerful tools in the DISCIPLE’S ARSENAL, and we must learn […]

Walk OUT your FAITH (The discipline of a disciple–part 1)

We’ve just completed a series of 12 different DAILY MEDS explaining what true Christianity really means; that is the victory of the NEW MAN, through Christ, living in us. As christians, we are born again and are fully possessed by the Spirit of Christ. We’re totally new creatures, living in a different Kingdom, bearing a […]

“Why self-improvement DOESN’T work” (Understanding the NEW MAN)–Part 3

We’ve already covered that the old man is corrupt, born from deception, and therefore by default, we were all born a rebel. So, let’s look at the solution for the problem of the old self, since it is a universal problem which each and every one of us faces. First, let’s mention the potential solutions […]

You were CREATED to PRAISE! (Understanding the NEW MAN –Part 10)

As established in previous discussions, we live in a different Kingdom. And we must live by the laws of the kingdom of light. FAITH is the currency of God’s kingdom. “For without faith, you cannot please God” (Heb 12:6). We were created to PRAISE! It’s a law of God; the more we PRAISE the more […]

TALK like God

One of the most important lessons that all of us Christians need to learn is the importance of confessing what God says. Once born again, we live in a different Kingdom than the world’s kingdom and we must speak the things of God. Proverbs 6:2 says “you are snared by the words of your mouth; […]

The Gift of Boldness

Boldness is one awesome gift that the Holy Spirit empowers us with: unashamed boldness (Acts 1:8).  We have the conviction to SPEAK OUT and to STAND UP for what we believe is right and true and loving, and that’s why Christians must be bold in speaking out their faith unashamedly. If you truly believe in […]

Witnessing Our Faith

You cannot really be a Christian without manifesting your faith. You cannot really be filled with his light and hide it under a bushel. We as Christians must learn to make every encounter a divine appointment; knowing that God wants to love every person we meet. So if we are not used to witnessing our […]

Thoughts on Christianity

If you want to understand the difference between Discipleship and church Christianity, it’s simple. They’re all on the same team. The Church Christians are fans of Jesus Christ. Whereas Christian disciples are players with Jesus Christ. Jesus has always had more fans than followers. Faith makes a Christian. Life proves a Christian. Trial confirms a […]

One SOUL is worth it all

A famous Christian who always gave God first place in his everyday decisions was William Gladstone, who was England’s Prime Minister three times and was one of the most famous British political leaders of the 1800’s. The story is told of how every day as he went up the steps of the Parliament building, he […]


In baseball, the referee is called the umpire. He’s an arbitrary ruler who calls the shots. The bible says, “let the peace of God be the umpire in your heart” (Cole:15). In decision making, there are usually many variable options, but the one that falls in line with God’s will is usually the one that […]

The touch of the Master

I have worked with some outstandingly talented people over the years. Great musicians, amazing artists and proficient writers. But there were also some “little people” around them, those unseen and unnoticed helpers that made it all work ever so smoothly, through their willingness to do the common tasks. God often uses the most obscure, the […]

YOU can Change the World!

In 1913, a young man about twenty years old took a walking tour in the rural province of Provence (pronounced Pró-váhnce), in southern France. A walking tour is when you hike through the countryside with a backpack and sleeping bag, walking mainly on the back roads or trails and sleeping at campsites or local farms […]


Have you ever noticed that the people who irritate you the most, quite often have the same personalities or odd habits as you do!  It is like the picture, when you point a finger at someone and criticize them, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you!  Jesus said, “Judge not that ye be not […]


            People live on encouragement and appreciation.  Watch the face of a tiny baby, a child, an adolescent, a young adult and the older generation, the same, when an encouraging, sincere and truthful comment is shared. It will bring a smile, and even more… it will bring courage, and hope and ambition and vision. We […]

How can you SPOT those Christians?for jesus

How can you recognize a true Christian from anyone else in society? What’s different about them? Don’t they live amongst other people and work in the same workplaces? If so, what makes their faith special or how are they different? Here’s a story about a conversation that took place shortly after Jesus died, between some […]


       This story of Bamboo” is very dear to my heart.        I have lived a very full life and have often been “at the top”. My gifts and talents have made room for me, along with my devotion and dedication to whatever I gave my heart to.       […]


The most difficult people to interact with are the ones that I call “flatlanders”. They are the narrow-minded ones, the ones that are convinced in their own mind that they are right on the strength of their “own truth”, or what they have decided “works for them” and that becomes all of a sudden their […]

Meeting Mother Teresa

We were in Bombay visiting missionary friends on a very tight schedule in the process of making a documentary about “The Life of a Missionary”. We were on a “world tour” and were scheduled to visit many different missions in different countries.  We took a total of 40 flights in 3 months and came across […]

Shyness is I-ness

There is not much room for shyness in the Lord’s work. Shyness is not humility. Shyness is thinking about yourself. Shyness is just an “I” before “sh”. The shy person is so busy thinking about himself, that he lives in a self-effacing state of self-consciousness. Shyness has nothing to do with humility. It’s overcautiousness aimed […]