Category Archives: The Discipline of a Disciple

STAND UP AND STAND OUT FOR JESUS! (The discipline of a Disciple–part 14)

Look at most COMMUNISTS today! Look how much you hear about THEM and THEIR cause. They’re certainly dedicated, often very sacrificial, determined and active, willing to even lay down their LIVES to reach their goal of World domination! Can the same be said of the vast majority of CHRISTIANS? Unfortunately, the vast majority of so […]

Persecution…? Not ME… ! (The discipline of a Disciple–part 13)

I read a story about this Christian pastor who witnessed to a lumberjack that had come to town for a few days, from way out in the virgin forests of northern Canada, and he received Jesus. “Now that you’ve made Jesus your Lord, Jake, your life is going to change,” the pastor said. “How’s that?” […]

The SCHOOLING of a Disciple! (The Discipline of a Disciple – part 12)

For those of us who know and love Jesus, our whole experience in this life is like a great SCHOOLING. The LORD is our Teacher Who wants to teach each of us all we need to know about Him and His Love, salvation and service, and to help us to be yielded to Him and […]

“If anyone….” (The discipline of a disciple — part 11)

 Every so often, I like to recapitulate in order to surface and catch our breath. My main vision in putting together the DAILY MEDS is for the purpose of explaining WHAT TRUE CHRISTIANITY IS and defining a path for us to actually be DISCIPLES of JESUS. We have spent a few weeks in “Understanding the […]

Your Worst Enemy (The Discipline of a Disciple Part -10)

There are actually only 2 religions in the world: GOD-dependence, is true Christianity. All other religions depend on self efforts to SAVE them. You either go after God in full-on obedience and righteousness or you try to make it by your OWN righteousness, through self-dependence. Our righteousness is in Christ and In Christ alone. But […]

Attack Attack Attack. (The Discipline of a Disciple Part – 9)  

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about the second major tactic of the devil. That is to get you to either return to the world or live a life of compromise. Jesus expects us to be focused and determined in our discipline. said, “If your eye be single then your whole body is […]

The WILES of the devil ( The DISCIPLINE of a DISCIPLE part-8)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the WILES of the devil” (Eph 6:10-17) What are those “wiles” of the devil? If you are born again, the attacks of the devil against […]

Steadfast, Immovable and FAITHful (Discipline of a Disciple. Part 7)

Today we will cover a more militant aspect of the life of a disciple. The life of a warrior who represents the kingdom relentlessly. One who must be depended upon and faithful unto the end. The life of a disciple is not always an easy life. It’s a life of battle, difficulties, and hardship. In […]

FIRST Love! (The discipline of a disciple. Part 6)

God created man to love Him. And He is jealous of our relationship and Intimacy. Why? Because in Him are all the right values for life, and he doesn’t want us to deviate after other gods and idols. As a good Father, He wants to guard our attention and our heart from going astray. God […]

LIVING HOLY! (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 5)

If you have been receiving the DAILY MEDS for the last month or so, you have gone through the NEW MAN series where we explained the death of the old man and our NEW IDENTITY in Christ …being born again. We also underscored the fact that THAT transformation took place in the SPIRIT. It is […]

You CAN’T Play Both ENDS (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 4)

 We’ve been talking about what a true disciple of Jesus Christ is supposed to be, and how he’s supposed to live, and how he’s supposed to affect the world around him. So far, we have covered: The importance of witnessing our faith, shining our light. The importance of speaking the Words of God with authority […]

Jesus took LOVE to a whole NEW LEVEL! (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 3)

 “I give you a NEW commandment: Love one another. You must love one another as I have loved you. By this shall all men know that you are my DISCIPLES, if you LOVE one another” (Jn 13:34-35). All that man was left with after the fall was a human kind of love. But Jesus brought […]

How YOUR miracles will HAPPEN. (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 2)

I told you that I would try to lead you through the number of exercises to spell out the different disciplines of a disciple. To be a Christian requires following Christ. –Essentially, to be imitators of Christ. This next one is one of the most powerful tools in the DISCIPLE’S ARSENAL, and we must learn […]

Walk OUT your FAITH (The discipline of a disciple–part 1)

We’ve just completed a series of 12 different DAILY MEDS explaining what true Christianity really means; that is the victory of the NEW MAN, through Christ, living in us. As christians, we are born again and are fully possessed by the Spirit of Christ. We’re totally new creatures, living in a different Kingdom, bearing a […]

The Gift of Boldness

Boldness is one awesome gift that the Holy Spirit empowers us with: unashamed boldness (Acts 1:8).  We have the conviction to SPEAK OUT and to STAND UP for what we believe is right and true and loving, and that’s why Christians must be bold in speaking out their faith unashamedly. If you truly believe in […]

How can you SPOT those Christians?for jesus

How can you recognize a true Christian from anyone else in society? What’s different about them? Don’t they live amongst other people and work in the same workplaces? If so, what makes their faith special or how are they different? Here’s a story about a conversation that took place shortly after Jesus died, between some […]