Category Archives: Understanding the new man

“We’ve been deceived” Understanding the NEW MAN – Part 1

There is an underlying message in the New testament that every Christian must fully understand in order to walk into the new creature that God has given them when born again. The new testament talks about the “old man” and the “new man”, or the old self or the new self. Paul in Ephesians 4: […]

“There’s a REBEL inside EACH ONE of us” (Understanding the NEW MAN)–Part 2

Yesterday we talked about DECEPTION and how the devil’s main goal is to deceive people; to lie about what God has said and to get people to disobey God’s Word. Deception sets in motion a process of degeneration: deception produces lust; lust is a perverted, rebellious desire designed to contradict the will of God. Lust […]

“Why self-improvement DOESN’T work” (Understanding the NEW MAN)–Part 3

We’ve already covered that the old man is corrupt, born from deception, and therefore by default, we were all born a rebel. So, let’s look at the solution for the problem of the old self, since it is a universal problem which each and every one of us faces. First, let’s mention the potential solutions […]

BACK to the BEGINNING? (Understanding the NEW MAN)–Part 5

Yesterday we covered that God’s solution for the old self was EXECUTION.  In Romans 6:6 Paul explains that our old self has been crucified with Christ. Meaning that the body of sin has been done away, and therefore we are no longer slaves to sin. That was God’s solution to ending the slavery to sin, […]

We’re God’s SWAT team ! (Understanding the NEW MAN –Part 8)

Let’s remember Jesus has already defeated Satan at the cross. That was Satan’s total, permanent, irreversible defeat. Jesus has disarmed Satan’s powers and whatever authority he may have over us. He made a public spectacle, triumphing over him by the cross. “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, […]

You were CREATED to PRAISE! (Understanding the NEW MAN –Part 10)

As established in previous discussions, we live in a different Kingdom. And we must live by the laws of the kingdom of light. FAITH is the currency of God’s kingdom. “For without faith, you cannot please God” (Heb 12:6). We were created to PRAISE! It’s a law of God; the more we PRAISE the more […]

The VICTORY of the NEW MAN (Understanding the new man. Part 11)

I want to do a quick recapitalisation of the 10 different chapters on this discussion regarding “Understanding the NEW MAN” to help you understand where we now stand in the spirit. First we’ve brought out how man was deceived by the devil in the garden. Man was told that he could be as God on […]