The power of Proclamations

        Once you are BORN AGAIN, you have literally been accepted into the kingdom of God (Eph 1:6) and you have been adopted as a child of God (Eph 3:20).

        You are no longer a slave to sin and you no longer belong to the kingdom of darkness. You have been translated into His marvelous life. “So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir” (Gal 4:7).

        It’s a bit difficult to wrap your head around this whole concept, but that’s why the Bible tells us to RENEW our mind.

        As soon as we’re born again, we have to scrub our world-POLLUTED mind and become brain-WASHED with what GOD SAYS ABOUT US. We must FULLY understand our new identity in Christ. For therein lies our inheritance, and our authority and power.

        We have been made ENFORCERS of the kingdom of light unto this world. We are AMBASSADORS from God and have been given the ministry of RECONCILIATION, the same as Jesus had: “Who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors” (2 Cor 1:19,20).

        Therefore, the most important thing for a newborn of the kingdom of God is to PROCLAIM the truth about your NEW IDENTITY to yourself till your mind is fully renewed to all that you have become.

        Most Christians get saved, come into the Christian world, they now live in the kingdom of God, but are not aware of their new identity and inheritance and therefore do not exercise their RIGHTS. They do not understand that their inheritance is for here and now, not only there and then.

        It is as though you have been made an ambassador in a foreign land. And you have diplomatic immunity; which means that the laws of that particular land do not apply to you. In other words, you cannot be prosecuted according to the laws of that land.

        You have a degree of protection. So, because we are hidden in Christ, we are protected from many of the attacks of the devil. He cannot accuse us nor condemn us because of the price that Jesus paid for us.

        Plus, Jesus has given us the HOLY SPIRIT, the very same Spirit that empowered Him, to help us live out our new identity and to guide us, and lead us into all the truth of His Word. We have to avail ourselves of the Holy Spirit to help us live our lives and to empower us for the tasks of our new life.

        In the “Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus”, we have put those two topics at the very beginning of the book, immediately after salvation. “What it Means to be Born Again” and ” The Power of the Holy Spirit”. We encourage you to review those two topics as they are the CORNERSTONES of your born again experience.

        Immediately after that section, we have a topic regarding CONFESSING and PROCLAIMING the Word of God into your life. The more you speak the truth of the Word of God into your new life, the more you are able to put on that new identity and live out the inheritance that God has for us here and now.

        At the end of this DAILY MED, I have included a link to some proclamations from different great men and women of FAITH that you should print out and SPEAK to yourself as often as you can. We’ve added a few samples such as one to proclaim VICTORY in your life, one to proclaim for your CHILDREN, one against CANCER, etc.

        You can even CREATE YOUR OWN. For instance, when you are facing health problems, you should go to the topic on HEALING, and peel off all of the different verses and transpose them in to your own life by speaking them in “I” terms rather than “you” terms. In other words those promises were given to us, each one of us, and they are for us to claim and proclaim to our own mind and heart.

        Our body has to OBEY OUR VOICE. This is one of the laws that Jesus has established in Mark 11:23.  He said, “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain, ‘Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea’; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he SAITH.” It’s our SPEAKING, proclaiming, COMMANDING, and sowing the seeds of the Word of God that will redefine our life.

        James said that our tongue is the rudder to our destiny: “Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boast” (Jam 3:4,5). We may speak “blessings or curses”, and either one will take root into our lives as we speak them.

        So if you are a born again Christian and have not renewed your mind to your new identity, you MUST go to the different proclamations and SPEAK them to yourself until you are fully convinced in your own mind of not only your new identity, but the power and authority that comes with it, along with the inheritance that we can avail ourselves of, now.

        Let’s face it, it would be such a shame for any of us to arrive at the gate of heaven when our full new identity will be revealed to our eyes, and realize that we had all this power, all this ability, all possibilities were given to us, and yet we did not avail ourselves of any of it.

        Christian, you have POWER. You’re not a mere human. You carry the “power of attorney” given to you by the King of all Kings, the Name above all names! –That is better than any gold, platinum or whatever credit card you may own that’s supposed to open doors for you. You have the Name that opens ALL POSSIBILITIES TO YOU. And now is the time to use it.

        Plus, we are living in a time where the rulers of the world are blinding the eyes and the minds of all peoples of the world. Everyone is being subjugated with this covid-19 propaganda and we need to avail ourselves of the full truth about us, and the full inheritance given to us.

        It says, “They that know their God shall do exploits” (Dan 11:32).  We have to really KNOW our WORD, our God, our inheritance and the power given to us.

        Every night, the last thing before we go to bed, my wife and I take the time to read some of those proclamations ALOUD, so that they enter our subconscious and so that our minds are programmed according to the power of “I am“.

        Proclamation or confession means that we proclaim with our mouths, the SAME as God has said in His Word.  We make the words of our mouth agree with the Word of God.  That way we line ourselves up to receive the full backing and authority of Jesus.

        So I encourage you to take the time to proclaim the Word of God into your life regularly.

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