Multiplying Jesus

The mystery of the Gospel was hidden for ages, from before the foundation of the world. Jesus revealed it to Paul in Arabia. Christ in YOU… Christ through you. Christ is now multiplied all over the earth. Jesus said that we’ll be able to do the same works that He did. Actually, even greater works.

There’s nothing that the devil can do about it. By killing Jesus, he thought he was eradicating his worst problem. But no, a few days later, there were 120 more Jesus, filled with the same Spirit, doing miracles all over the place. And then 3000 more, and the next day, 5000 more. And the fire was spreading all over the place. The more he tried to stump it, the more he was spreading it.  Like wildfire.

“To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col 1:27). Every time I read that verse, it knocks me over… No more bondage. In the spirit, we’re all so much more powerful than we can possibly imagine. Why? Because He lives… in each one of us.

We’re all caught up in trying to get our bills paid and the devil’s got us wrapped in our present circumstances, rather than living out the mystery of all ages.

If only we ALL got the revelation of who we are and what we can do, we could all be “spiritual governors”, each one of us, over a piece of our community and change it according to the will of God, on earth as it is in heaven. We could claim whatever piece we want to have jurisdiction over and say, “ok, this is a cancer free zone! From now on, cancer can no longer live in this area.”

If you think that is funny or unreal, just remember John G. Lake who turned Spokane WA into the healthiest City in the USA by sending out believers all over the city to heal the sick. And then moved to Portland OR and did the same thing there.

If the body of Christ could get this revelation and live it out, we could eradicate evil all around us. We could get rid of meth labs that are killing our young generation and sending people to jail by the droves. We could tackle all of society’s problems and get rid of them one by one. Just look at the work that the apostle Paul did, single handedly all over Asia minor.

Stop a minute and see how powerful God is, the one God who wrought all these great miracles in times past, through people, like you and me. Take a minute to read Hebrews 11. Just think, we can all have the fullness of Him dwelling in us richly, and united as one body, we all get stronger and affect such a change in all of our communities.

Individually, we can all do more than Jesus can do, according to His own Word, but together, we can do so much more. We can eradicate sickness and disease. Jesus did, virtually everywhere He went. It says “He healed them all”. We are the light of the world. We’re here to bring Life, and thereby eradicate all evil that causes death.

But it cannot be done until we start believing that God can actually do that through us. The only problem is unbelief. The only problem God had with the children of Israel when He got them out of Egypt was their unbelief. They wouldn’t believe God and wouldn’t walk firmly ahead on His promises, even though they had already been firsthand witnesses to the greatest catastrophic miracles ever seen on this earth, like the plagues on their Egyptian oppressors and the parting of the Red Sea.

There’s no hindrance to God except you. That’s right, your unbelief. The same unbelief as the children of Israel who would not go into the promised land. We are the ones limiting God. As soon as we’re ready to say,  “God can”, all of a sudden, it will all come together into a world of possibilities.

Wow… should we all say, “God can, and God will, through me”? We could multiply Jesus through our belief, alone.