The Butterfly Wonder: Unwrapping the Wonder of the New Identity in Christ

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Thank you for participating in this spiritual awakening. Your financial contribution to and to the propagation of our 3 months discipleship course called the “Jesus Boot Camp” helps us cover the many expenses incurred in the production and the publication as well as the diffusion of these products and courses. 

We embrace the principle that Jesus gave when he said, “freely you have received, freely give”. And this is the reason why we make all of our products available, free of charge. We would not want anyone to not have access to our discipling tools because of financial resources.

  Your contribution helps “pay it FORWARD”, as our goal is to offer these tools in as many languages as possible during this time of the Great harvest. 

Plus, there’s a great principle that King David established when in 1 Samuel 30:24 saying that those who couldn’t be on the frontlines and had to stay behind to guard supplies and protect the camp will receive the same share of the spoils of victory as those who actively fought in battle, thus emphasizing the importance of every role in a collective effort, even if they weren’t directly involved in combat.  In other words, by contributing, you will share in the heavenly rewards of all the souls and the disciples won.

Our goal is to teach and train the many believers who have been made aware of the authority that Christ has given us, to manifest the kingdom of God on earth, the same as Jesus did. (Mark 16:18).

  We encourage you to give as you can afford, but if you can extend your contribution to a monthly donation, it really helps us further advance the kingdom of God. 

THANK you and may you be BLESSED for your generosity.



