Author Archives: SHDJ

The End Is Not Yet!

By Paul Joseph   Recently, someone sent me a talk given by this lady who was exposing the ills of the conspiracy of the world, to enslave people for the purpose of controlling the masses and bringing about a one world government. I’ve enjoyed her talk as not only is she right on, but her […]

Beware Of The Leaven Of The Pharisees

       Religiosity is not Christianity. The only times that Jesus was angry, in fact furious, is when He addressed the religious Pharisees (Mt 23:13-28). He exposed their hypocrisy, their money-making schemes off of religion, as well as their self-righteous adherence to the letter of the law, while omitting mercy and love, He said, “Why do […]

If Ever There Was a Time For Boldness

 Boldness in faith is the willingness to take risks and face challenges head-on, even when it’s uncomfortable or frightening. It’s stepping out of our comfort zones and standing firm in our convictions, regardless of the circumstances or potential consequences. Boldness in faith is about trusting God wholeheartedly and allowing that trust to fuel our actions. […]

Casting Your Pearls Before Swines

Success in life is a great achievement, but success in the wrong pursuit is the saddest tragedy of all. Time spent in pursuit of the wrong purpose or without purpose entirely is the greatest waste of human potential. We all have a purpose specifically designed for us by God. When we follow that purpose, our […]


We have been given so much truth in the Word of God! Our gospel has POWER. It is in fact the POWER of God. It has the power to give LIFE to everyone who receives it. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (Jn […]

Our Daily Bread

When giving instructions to His disciples concerning how to pray (Mt 6:1-13), in verse eleven (11) Jesus said, “Give us this day our daily bread.”(Mt 6:8). What exactly did He mean? He had already instructed them on the sermon on the mount, not to worry about their daily needs, …“Take no thought what ye shall […]

The Passion of Christ

The passion of Christ is the compassion that He had for the multitudes. (Mt 9:36). His greatest desire was to return people to their created destiny and their full potential, once freed from the lies of the enemy.–Lies that caused illnesses, demon possession, trauma, stress and fear. The Passion of Christ is for everyone to […]

The Word is The Healer

We all need to realize how much power there is in God’s Word. It says, “He sent His Word and healed them.”  Actually the same verse goes on to say, “…and delivered them from all their destructions.” (Ps 107:20)  So, if you stop and think about this, God’s Word has healing power in it. In […]

The Star Of Bethlehem

Did you know that there’s Irrefutable mathematically and scientifically proven facts about Christmas? Those facts are hidden in the phenomenon of the Star of Bethlehem. Did you ever wonder what that star was, and how can a star stop in the sky? The star of Bethlehem was a real astronomical event. The German astronomer Johannas […]

We Won it All

We are presently visiting with some friends with whom we were doing missionary work in Europe many years ago. They recently purchased a property in a small town in the central part of Texas, which they plan to turn into a missionary training center. The town where their property is located is rather small, and […]

Multiplying Jesus

The mystery of the Gospel was hidden for ages, from before the foundation of the world. Jesus revealed it to Paul in Arabia. Christ in YOU… Christ through you. Christ is now multiplied all over the earth. Jesus said that we’ll be able to do the same works that He did. Actually, even greater works. […]

Keys To Spiritual Power

 Winning the fight of faith happens through the renewing of our mind. You’re not renewed in your mind until your reactions are according to the Word of God without having to think about it. You’ve got to get to where you react before thinking. That’s the blessing of training and disciplining yourself in the spirit; […]

And Then… The End Shall Come

Here’s something interesting about the Kingdom and the end of the world… Remember when the disciples asked Jesus: “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Thy coming and of the end of the world?” Jesus went through a whole list of signs that will take place in the […]

Why Seek the Kingdom FIRST?

Anxiety is the plague of this century. People don’t know how to discipline their mind and control their thoughts. They’re at the mercy of the media. Therefore they live in fear, and have frequent anxiety attacks. Why? Because when you start worrying, the devil gets a hold of your mind and can spin it just […]

THIS Gospel of the Kingdom

Why did Jesus, when sending His disciples, say, “As you go, preach THIS Gospel of the Kingdom?” (Mt 24:14). He didn’t send the disciples to announce a new religion, but His Kingdom. If we label Christianity as a religion, we lower Christ to the level of Muhammad, Buddha, and all the gods of Hinduism and […]

The Miracle Tire

Through a series of miracles, I arrived at a Revival conference yesterday hosting some of the most anointed evangelist!–men and women of God of this day. It all started when I delivered an RV to a friend of mine, Michael, with whom I had done mission work in France many years before. We’d lost track […]

Wanted: MANAGERS for the Kingdom on Earth

The most important aspect of the Kingdom is management (See the parable of the talents in Mat 25:14-30.) God calls us to be managers of His Kingdom on earth. The Kingdom is in the business of managing resources; souls, funds, property, community, rights, and yes, all resources on earth. Therefore, Christians should definitely study “business […]

The Holy Spirit DEMONSTRATES the Kingdom

Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit is the most neglected person or the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the energy with which God demonstrates His power. It is the power of God…the “dunamis”. It is the spiritual energy in us to show the power of God and it is the privilege of every believer. After Jesus was […]

What’s the TRUE Gospel?

 What was Jesus’ main assignment on earth? What was the main reason He came to earth? What was it that He came to preach? Was it so that man could be born again? Was it to redeem mankind of its sin-nature? Was it to destroy the works of the devil? Was it to be a […]

The Kingdom of God is HERE.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place, but the Kingdom of God refers to the government of God. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus preached the “Kingdom of God”. The exact wording of “the Kingdom of Heaven” is only found in the Gospel of Matthew, more than 30 times. The phrase “Kingdom of God” is used in […]

We Live by a Different Set of Laws

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Rom 8:2). “The law of sin and death” is the earth’s cursed system. After the fall of Adam, the Lord told Adam that because he disregarded obeying God’s command, the earth was now […]

War Terms

We, as Christians, can easily forget that we are at War. You say, “but I thought the war was won by Jesus”. Yes, but we’re still in the world even though not of the world. And the devil is still the prince of this world, and he tries to hinder us from living out our […]

YOU Empower Your (own) THOUGHTS

Everytime you focus on your stress, you magnify it. Change your thoughts as soon as you’re stressing. Your have the POWER to focus on something else, virtually immediately. That’s why the Bible tells us to “keep all your thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. (2Cor 10:5) You can’t be in stress and in […]

Simplify Your LIFE

So many people would so want to be used by God, but they say they’re too busy. Why? Because they’ve got their own agendas. They’ve got their plans and dreams and ambitions, and they don’t have any time to give to God. They’ve got their priorities turned around the wrong way… we’re to FIRST seek […]