Daily Reflection for Success

We’re not in this world to just live and die, but rather to make a [...]


“Men’s hearts would be failing them for FEAR” in the Last Days. (Luke 21:26)   [...]

The Kingdom Of God Comes In Power

Here’s something quite INTENSE that Jesus said, that we just read in the Gospels and [...]

The End Is Not Yet!

By Paul Joseph   Recently, someone sent me a talk given by this lady who [...]

The Refuge Of Holiness

The Bible says that we’re untouchable: 1 John 5:18. “We know that whosoever is born [...]

Faith Is Considering God Faithful

Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is in Hebrews 11, the “Hall of Fame” of faith.  [...]

Enforce The Victory Of The Cross

I was raised in the church, but it was only in my early twenties that [...]

Emotions Are Controllable

 People who claim they can’t help it, but fly off the handle every time something [...]

The Price Of Compromise

Compromise may be one of the greatest challenges for Christians. The most uncomfortable place for [...]

Your Mouth Should Be Consistent With God’s Word

Our mouth should never say anything different than what God says about us. Every time [...]

The Police Officer

Just now, I got through witnessing to a police officer. I needed to stop by [...]

Beware Of The Leaven Of The Pharisees

       Religiosity is not Christianity. The only times that Jesus was angry, in fact furious, [...]

Heal The Sick, Cast out Demons, Raise The Dead, Cleanse The Lepers.

This is not something that you hear preached in church very often, but once you [...]

Win The War In Your Mind

Even though saved and born again, there is a fight between our spiritual birthright and [...]

Are You “Discipling” Your Children?

Raising children is one of the greatest responsibilities ever given to man by God. As [...]

We can’t Be Silent!

Jesus said, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear MUCH FRUIT; so you [...]

You’ve Received an Inheritance

Just imagine if an attorney was to come to your door, and introduces himself as [...]

The Danger: Hardened Hearts

One of the scariest feelings in my walk with God is to realize that at [...]

All Charges Against You Were Dropped at the Cross

“And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against Me.” [...]

If Ever There Was a Time For Boldness

 Boldness in faith is the willingness to take risks and face challenges head-on, even when [...]

Christ Living Through You

I was witnessing to a young lady yesterday while at the register in a store, [...]

You Can’t Separate Knowing and Doing

Officers of the law have a certain air about them. You can recognize them anywhere, [...]

How to HEAR God

Do you want to know how to hear God’s voice? To know how He speaks [...]

True, Through And Through

The Bible says in Matthew 5:8, “God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they [...]

There Is No Merit In Not Doing Evil.

  By Paul Joseph It’s doing good things that counts. “To him that knows to [...]

Had He Known This, He Would Not Have Done What He Did (1Cor 2:28)

The apostle Paul said “this is the mystery that was hid from the foundation of [...]

Real Parents Are Real Heroes

Raising children is one of the greatest responsibilities ever given to man by God. And [...]

Christians MUST Shine!

Jesus said, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear MUCH fruit; so you [...]

We’re Not Fighting The Devil

If you think about it, we’re not really fighting devils. We have been given authority [...]

As Having Nothing, Yet Possessing Everything

2Cor 6:10 Jesus started His ministry on the Mount of Olives by saying, “Blessed are [...]

Casting Your Pearls Before Swines

Success in life is a great achievement, but success in the wrong pursuit is the [...]

Letter to a Relative Whose Wife Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer

First and foremost, I want to sympathize with the difficulty that you are going through. [...]

Bring To Life The Fighter In You.

It’s never easy to get rid of bad habits and to change the things that [...]

Faith Needs No Visible Proof

By: Paul Joseph Faith doesn’t need any other proof than the Word of God as [...]

As One Having Authority

One of the most revealing stories in the Bible in regards to how faith works, [...]

The DNA of the New Man

By Paul Joseph The Bible says that Jesus was far above the angels. “He became [...]

The New Man’s Morning Declaration

I’ve recently read the declaration that all students repeat every morning at the Dominion Bible [...]

The Revelation That Unveils the New Testament

Jesus revealed a lot of truths to the world when He was on earth. But [...]

The Slippery Slope of Sin

When you come into the kingdom, you no longer are under the Old Law. The [...]

The Easiest Way to Die to Yourself is to Live for Others

People often ask, “If you keep living in sin, does that mean that you’re not [...]

Soul Winning… Tips On How To Be A Soul Winner (pt.5)

Paul Joseph The very first requirement to have that compassion for lost souls is to [...]

Soul Winning… Agape Love Finds a Way (pt.4)

By: Paul Joseph Most of what we, believers, do every day should be geared to [...]

Soul Winning… Think Compassion (pt.3)

by: Paul Joseph As a believer, our motivation, our goal, our vision in life should [...]

Soul Winning… We Know Too Much! (Pt.2)

By:Paul Joseph It’s impossible to hide the love of God and the truth of Jesus. [...]

Soul Winning… A Disciple’s Calling (pt.1)

By: Paul Joseph The Lord has put on my heart to address the topic of [...]

The Loss Of A Dear Missionary Friend. -By Paul Joseph

We have heard yesterday that Ruth Davidson, the wife of a very dear friend and [...]


We have been given so much truth in the Word of God! Our gospel has [...]

Prayer Through Seeing Jesus

Throughout the Bible, God instructed His people to see the outcome before the promise was [...]

Why Is Forgiveness So Important? 

Did you ever wonder why forgiveness is so important in God’s Word? Forgiveness comes up [...]

Our Daily Bread

When giving instructions to His disciples concerning how to pray (Mt 6:1-13), in verse eleven [...]

What Makes The Gospel Good News?

What is it that Christians believe? And how does it differ from other religions? Simply [...]

The Passion of Christ

The passion of Christ is the compassion that He had for the multitudes. (Mt 9:36). [...]

Have A Family New Year Candlelight Service

At the turn of each year, my father would gather all of us children, and [...]

The Most Important Word in The New Testament

“Sozo” in Greek, has different meanings, and it is the most used word for salvation, [...]

God’s Christmas Gift to You

We want to share with you Rick Warren’s beautiful Christmas message. It’s so right on. [...]

The Word is The Healer

We all need to realize how much power there is in God’s Word. It says, [...]

The Star Of Bethlehem

Did you know that there’s Irrefutable mathematically and scientifically proven facts about Christmas? Those facts [...]

The Reason For Christmas is Found in Easter

I’m passing on today something that Rick Warren wrote about the true meaning of Christmas. [...]

God’s Lemonade

Linda took off yesterday on a two day drive to go care for Mother in [...]

We Won it All

We are presently visiting with some friends with whom we were doing missionary work in [...]

Character, Not Only Power

How are we to establish the Kingdom of God on earth? By reflecting the character [...]

True Conversion Has To Lead to Discipleship

The notable theologian Gordon Fee (who passed away only recently) said, “Only disciples are true [...]

When Our Healing isn’t Immediately Manifested

When seeking a healing, it is very important to understand that it is God’s will [...]

Multiplying Jesus

The mystery of the Gospel was hidden for ages, from before the foundation of the [...]

Fear And Unbelief Are Amongst the Worst Abominations to God

Did you know that God puts the FEARFUL and the UNBELIEVER in the same category [...]

Keys To Spiritual Power

 Winning the fight of faith happens through the renewing of our mind. You’re not renewed [...]

There’s No Distance With Faith

Remember how Jesus healed people at a distance, which shows there’s no distance to faith. [...]

And Then… The End Shall Come

Here’s something interesting about the Kingdom and the end of the world… Remember when the [...]

We’re Not Subjugated Servants, We’re Royal Sons Of God

Christianity today is categorised as a religion. But Jesus can’t be classified with religions. He’s [...]


God’s will is God’s purpose. The will of God on earth is really the purpose [...]

The Difference Between Jesus and Christ

 Jesus had to come to earth legally, in a body, that’s why throughout the gospels, [...]

How The Unseen Came Into The Seen

Everything God created, He created it by saying it. God spoke things into being by [...]

Why Seek the Kingdom FIRST?

Anxiety is the plague of this century. People don’t know how to discipline their mind [...]

You Cannot Have Faith Without Authority

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God [...]

The Holy Spirit Helps Us Fulfill Our Destiny 

We know that Jesus died because we needed to be redeemed. But Jesus actually came [...]

You Shall Receive POWER

When God created man, He gave him the ability to dominate. He was made the [...]

THIS Gospel of the Kingdom

Why did Jesus, when sending His disciples, say, “As you go, preach THIS Gospel of [...]

The Miracle Tire

Through a series of miracles, I arrived at a Revival conference yesterday hosting some of [...]

The Spirit Of The Leader

We’re supposed to be leaders. The Bible calls us the eagle and the lion. Both [...]

We’re ALL Called to LEAD

I’ve learned some awesome lessons listening to Dr. Myles Monroe recently about how we’re all [...]

Wanted: MANAGERS for the Kingdom on Earth

The most important aspect of the Kingdom is management (See the parable of the talents [...]


We’ve talked about the power that we are given to change the course of our [...]

The Holy Spirit DEMONSTRATES the Kingdom

Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit is the most neglected person or the Trinity. The Holy Spirit [...]

Stand Up To Cancer

Something needs to be said about “accepting” the cancer’s fate as a fact. I think [...]

The Kingdom is in POWER

 “For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” (1 Cor 4:20)  [...]

The “DIRT” Revelation

I was listening to one of Andrew Womack ‘s Bible classes today and he was [...]

What’s the TRUE Gospel?

 What was Jesus’ main assignment on earth? What was the main reason He came to [...]

Holiness is Integrity of Character

Integrity is really the sum total of your character. Character is when your words, your [...]

The Kingdom of God is HERE.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place, but the Kingdom of God refers to the [...]

How Do You Walk In Your NEW IDENTITY?

 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are [...]

No Longer Under The Curse

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” [...]

A Miracle Against Cancer

On a weekly basis, I meet with my family, that is my own brothers and [...]

We Live by a Different Set of Laws

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free [...]

Prosperity in Times of Recession

Heavenly Father, we don’t go by the conditions and the circumstances of the world, because [...]

It’s Time for Christians to Come Out of the CLOSET.

It’s time for each one of us to be known by our love and our [...]

War Terms

We, as Christians, can easily forget that we are at War. You say, “but I [...]

YOU Empower Your (own) THOUGHTS

Everytime you focus on your stress, you magnify it. Change your thoughts as soon as [...]

Simplify Your LIFE

So many people would so want to be used by God, but they say they’re [...]

“For to me, to live is CHRIST

and to die is gain.” (Phil 1:21) This is such an intense verse. Go ahead [...]

There’s no EGO in Christianity

When you’ve decided to give your life to Jesus, then you’re crucified with Him (Gal [...]

The REST of God

I have decided to do something different with this DAILY MED. I want to expand [...]

It’s NOT Easy to FORGET

When someone has hurt you, it is not easy to FORGET. The old saying “forgive [...]

Jesus Comes FIRST!

“O GOD, You are my God; Earnestly will I seek You” (Ps63:1). If you’re like [...]

FIGHT, Using God’s Word,  with AUTHORITY!

“And they spoke the Word of God with boldness [authority].” (Acts 4:31). When Jesus was [...]


Complaining and murmuring is a sure way to move God out of the picture. The [...]

There Are Only TWO Religions

One man used to spend much of his time witnessing about Jesus on the streets [...]

In The “Mean” Time!

After prayer there’s often a time of waiting. And that time is a testing time. [...]


Most of us know that it’s not circumstances that direct our destiny, but what we [...]

Proceed as if SUCCESS is Inevitable

That’s the way Jesus operated. His whole life was purposeful. He had one thing in [...]

The POWER of His Resurrection 

“That I may know Him, and the POWER of His resurrection.”— Phil 3:10. I have [...]

Your Level Of Spirituality = Your OBEDIENCE to God

Obedience is actually a demonstration of TRUST. And therefore, it is the one determining factor [...]

The Key to Renewing Your Mind is CONSISTENCY

When it comes to renewing the mind, the key is consistency. You cannot make a [...]


Having a full stomach and a full purse and a full head doesn’t fill your [...]

What Does it Mean to LIVE by FAITH.

Living by faith means putting faith into action. Some people seem to have the idea [...]


Did you know that our universe, the major astral bodies of our solar system such [...]


Christian parents have such an important responsibility in today’s world to raise their kids right. [...]


“The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger [...]

You Have Diplomatic IMMUNITY

When I lived in Africa, I befriended the Canadian ambassador who was from my hometown. [...]

The One DAY That Changed The History of The WORLD

Jesus gave His disciples predictions about His death and the events that followed: “So that [...]

You know you are getting OLD if you are living in the PAST.

We are either moving forward or backward. When we stop making progress, we’re backsliding. The [...]

Why Keep the Scaffoldings Up If the Building is FINISHED?

Jesus said, “It is finished.”  The old scaffoldings of the Old Law are no longer [...]

Why Give?

Did you know that GIVING is an essential aspect of our new identity as Christians? [...]

If it’s TRUE, Then WHAT???

Suppose it’s true that God is the God of the universe!--And that He is the [...]

The Name of the Game is FAITH through LOVE

There’s ONLY one law to obey today. It is the law of Christ. “For all [...]

“ALONE” with HIM…

There has to be some “alone” time when you bask in the Spirit of God, [...]

What’s The Good News?

The Good News is that God is love. 1John 4:8. Let’s not make the Gospel [...]

Your MOTIVE has a LOT to do With It

In all of our works for the Lord, the ONLY acceptable ones are those that [...]

I Found Your Words and I Ate Them

“Thy Words were found and I did eat them, and Thy Word was unto me [...]

STAND in the Gap

We are at war, and because there is a battle raging against us and those [...]

Never DOUBT For a Moment!

The devil wants to see if he can get you to doubt God’s Word. Doubts [...]

Is Your MUSIC in Tune?

Now that we’re born again, we have a new identity and we live under a [...]

I Will Have MERCY

“I will have mercy and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13).  In other words, “I would rather [...]

The Importance of FELLOWSHIP

Can you imagine for a moment if people from the same fellowship would gather in [...]


The Christian life is not about struggling, but about YIELDING. It’s not about self-effort, but [...]

Beware of CURSES!

Most curses come out of our mouth when we are angry. And I am not [...]

Is Doing NOTHING a Sin?

James says that it is: “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do [...]

Run to the Father

I love to receive a call from my eldest son, James. Perhaps because he always [...]

God’s NEVER Used PERFECT People

The best way to find God’s will for our life is by saying “I will”. [...]

Out of the ABUNDANCE of the Heart

“Jesus said, ‘Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’” (Mt 12:34b). Have [...]

It’s UNLOVING to NOT Tell People.

If you witnessed an accident right in front of you that would cause the oncoming [...]


You don’t have a testimony without a test. For us to have an outstanding testimony, [...]

Have You Deviated?

“All we, like sheep, have all gone astray. We’ve all gone our own way” (Isa [...]


Did you know that 70% to 95% of all illnesses are related to the way [...]

If SALT Has Lost Its SAVOR

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how [...]

A Disciple Makes Disciples.

What if we were asked by the Lord once we get there, “Why did My [...]

There’s MORE !!!

I wake up every morning and once I have greeted Jesus, I tell Him, “I [...]

The LOVE of Christ Compels Me

No one can relate better to this concept of being compelled than a mother. Her [...]


Do you remember in the movie “Knights Tale”, with Heath Ledger as a peasant squire [...]

Living in the IMPOSSIBLE (How faith works, But positive thinking doesn’t)

I just LOVE all the scriptures on the “impossible” becoming “POSSIBLE”. Get this… God told [...]


Wisdom herself says, “And now, my sons, listen to me: happy are those who keep [...]

DENYING the POWER Thereof.

Christianity, if not lived out, has little or no power. It’s just a bunch of [...]


Many, in the world, view themselves as “tolerant”, meaning, “I accept people for who they [...]

Pray BOLD Prayers

God wants us to pray BOLD prayers. “That we may come boldly and obtain mercy [...]


I was referred to a podcast recently with Jordan Peterson and a fellow named Jason [...]

Hurt People HURT People!

People are different, and it takes a whole lot of love to get along with [...]

Your Past is PAST!

Most people refuse to move forward because of past mistakes and failures. The devil uses [...]

Does Your COMPASS Point to TRUE North?  

The magnetic compass was an important advance in navigation because it allowed mariners to determine [...]


“Verily I say unto you, that whoever shall say unto this mountain, ‘Be thou removed, [...]


It is so amazing that the Bible brings out the danger of unbelief in the [...]

It’s a SACRIFICE to Witness and to Evangelize

Like the old lady said when she was told she needed to go out witnessing, [...]


We know that the Bible is more than just an advice manual or a self-help [...]

You CANNOT SEE the Kingdom of God unless You’re BORN AGAIN (Jn 3:3)

That verse is so intense. Jesus was not just talking about entering into the kingdom, [...]

The ESCAPE Route to Your TRIALS

You know what that ESCAPE route is? It’s the Word. It’s you claiming the Word [...]


You don’t have faith just because you have heard the FAITH message. To know about [...]

DISCIPLE-ING is Coaching With the WORD

When you are a disciple maker, everything you share with people should have a spiritual [...]


Everything we construct must have a foundation. The things that we believe become the cornerstones [...]


When we delay obeying God, we are often looking for a loophole, some justification for [...]


Addiction is not spoken about that often because it’s simply something that affects most everybody, [...]

The Sabbath REST

In the old testament, Jews had to stop one day a week to rest. It [...]


Have you ever thought about what unbelief really is? Unbelief is actually faith. It’s just [...]

If We Witness Our Faith, We GROW!

James tells us very straightforwardly:  “But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers [...]

Our PURPOSE is to bring Him Glory.

If we do not determine our purpose in life, we will come to the end [...]

Control Your EMOTIONS

Renewing your mind, does not ONLY mean to discipline your thoughts, it includes your emotions. [...]

Are You FULLY Persuaded?

“Abraham did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strengthened in [...]

How CHRISTIANITY can be a WINNING Lifestyle

The ONE thing that can keep you from being a TOTAL WINNER and living a [...]

The Secret to TRUE Christianity

The secret to true Christianity is John 15. Jesus made it quite simple.“Abide in me [...]

How to handle RUDE PEOPLE?

How do you handle rude people? You don’t. You let God handle them. Let him [...]

The Cause of Your STRESS

I used to be married to my “to do” list. I was “Mr. Accomplishment”. And [...]


You don’t get wisdom from television. You don’t get it from the Internet. You don’t [...]


It is sad that so many Christians are in fear of the totalitarian regime that [...]

The Easy Way to Witness

We don’t have a gospel of condemnation, we have a gospel of redemption. Jesus didn’t [...]

YOU Benefit a LOT when Witnessing Your Faith

There are so many ways in which a Christian benefits from witnessing their faith. “The [...]

Prayer through INTIMACY!

 We know that God has committed Himself to work THROUGH us. And we know that [...]

Those Who Love are HUMBLE

 In the Bible, 1Cor 13, has been dubbed the “love chapter”. However, within those “love” [...]


In John chapter 16:11-15, Jesus is explaining to His disciples whom He will leave with [...]


We can live HOLY. It’s not bondage… It’s FREEDOM. ?? When we get rid of [...]

Activated Christianity

The whole purpose and point of these DAILY MEDS is to encourage Christians to actually [...]


The Bible says to be ready ALWAYS to give an answer to whoever asks you. [...]

A Father’s New Year’s BLESSING.

My father, on the morning of New Year’s day, would gather all of us children, [...]

What’s Wrong with Being POSSESSED?

Some people spend their whole life oppressed with a spirit of fear, or a spirit [...]

THE HOLY SPIRIT– God’s POWERFUL Gift to New Believers.

Some people ask me, “How can you be such a faithful witness? Everywhere you go, [...]

STAND UP AND STAND OUT FOR JESUS! (The discipline of a Disciple–part 14)

Look at most COMMUNISTS today! Look how much you hear about THEM and THEIR cause. [...]

Persecution…? Not ME… ! (The discipline of a Disciple–part 13)

I read a story about this Christian pastor who witnessed to a lumberjack that had [...]

The SCHOOLING of a Disciple! (The Discipline of a Disciple – part 12)

For those of us who know and love Jesus, our whole experience in this life [...]


Mother Teresa once said, “The worst sickness is not being LOVED.” During this time of [...]

Just “Do It”

Most Christians understand that at the new birth, Jesus comes to live in their heart, [...]

Should You CORRECT a Brother?

If you become aware of a Christian caught in a sin, the most loving thing [...]

A Christmas tradition

For us Christians, Christmas is a celebration of JOY. It’s a time to focus on [...]


The Word tells us to always “be ready to give an answer to every man [...]

FOCUS on the JOY!

Perspective is everything. Jesus demonstrated that “who for the joy that was set before him [...]

Who do you Follow?

To truly follow Christ means He has become everything to us. Everyone follows something: friends, [...]

What’s Hindering your Faith

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 [...]

“The Purpose of CHRISTmas!”

Jesus came to Earth as a tiny, weak and helpless baby, born to a simple, [...]

Don’t WASTE your money. INVEST

I don’t know if you keep track of where you spend your money. But you [...]

Let’s not remain Babies

Discipleship is the process of growth from a spiritual baby to a spiritual adult. It [...]

Every Christian is a MINISTER

God did not put you on Earth just to live for yourself. He wants you [...]


What is the reason so few people get things from God? Christians are divided into [...]

FAITH is the PROOF that you’ve got it.

Faith has lost its meaning to us today. Today the word FAITH means kind of [...]

We’re to GROW into being like JESUS

God’s goal and purpose has always been to make you like Himself. When he first [...]

Affection is GODLY (and GOOD for you)

I was thumbing through my file of newspaper clippings recently and I came across several [...]


Whether you accept & believe in its teachings or not, it cannot be denied that [...]

The BIG lie!

“The FOOL hath said in his heart,’There is no God’!”–Ps 14:1. Here’s one.of the best [...]

THE Spreading of GOSSIP!

I heard this amazing story regarding our attitude towards others, and how the words we [...]


When faced with a tremendous battle against overwhelming opposition, Jehoshaphat desperately PRAYED and threw himself [...]

A Parent’s PRAYER.

If you’re a parent, you’ll appreciate this article. The responsibility given to parents is the [...]

I’m in LOVE…

I cannot stop reflecting on His GOODNESS. His mercies, His love, His blessings are never-ending. [...]

Start with THIS…

Christianity only works if you WORK it. That’s what Jesus said. (Mat 7:24-27).  GOD has [...]

“If anyone….” (The discipline of a disciple — part 11)

 Every so often, I like to recapitulate in order to surface and catch our breath. [...]

There’s no “HO HUM” about JESUS

The claims of Jesus in the Bible, from a carnal view, are absolutely outlandish and [...]

You can’t MISS Him–He’s EVERYWHERE

I’m going to go on with this AWESOME revelation about WHO Jesus really was, and [...]

How can ANYONE Ignore JESUS?

In the recent months, I’ve been meditating on the impact that Jesus has had on [...]

We are FOOLS for Christ’s sake

“The natural man receives not the things of the spirit for they are foolishness to [...]


You have to have conviction or you can’t live. When you’re serving the Lord, you [...]

ONE out OF 5 was SAVED…

Can you imagine if one out of 5 people in the world was saved because [...]

Your Worst Enemy (The Discipline of a Disciple Part -10)

There are actually only 2 religions in the world: GOD-dependence, is true Christianity. All other [...]

Attack Attack Attack. (The Discipline of a Disciple Part – 9)  

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about the second major tactic of the [...]

The WILES of the devil ( The DISCIPLINE of a DISCIPLE part-8)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on [...]

Steadfast, Immovable and FAITHful (Discipline of a Disciple. Part 7)

Today we will cover a more militant aspect of the life of a disciple. The [...]

FIRST Love! (The discipline of a disciple. Part 6)

God created man to love Him. And He is jealous of our relationship and Intimacy. [...]

LIVING HOLY! (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 5)

If you have been receiving the DAILY MEDS for the last month or so, you [...]

You CAN’T Play Both ENDS (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 4)

 We’ve been talking about what a true disciple of Jesus Christ is supposed to be, [...]

Jesus took LOVE to a whole NEW LEVEL! (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 3)

 “I give you a NEW commandment: Love one another. You must love one another as [...]

How YOUR miracles will HAPPEN. (The Discipline of a Disciple–part 2)

I told you that I would try to lead you through the number of exercises [...]

Walk OUT your FAITH (The discipline of a disciple–part 1)

We’ve just completed a series of 12 different DAILY MEDS explaining what true Christianity really [...]

“Why self-improvement DOESN’T work” (Understanding the NEW MAN)–Part 3

We’ve already covered that the old man is corrupt, born from deception, and therefore by [...]

You were CREATED to PRAISE! (Understanding the NEW MAN –Part 10)

As established in previous discussions, we live in a different Kingdom. And we must live [...]

TALK like God

One of the most important lessons that all of us Christians need to learn is [...]

Be Slow to Anger

Anger is a sin when it is directed at people. Paul says that “we should [...]

The Power of the Tongue

It is also through our SPEAKING that we create our own world. Even quantum physics [...]

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

The more we realize that all that we have, we have received it from a [...]


God expects us to walk in integrity. The Bible refers to integrity as “the pure [...]


How can you be BLESSED and be non-stop blessed? And WHY? Because it is the [...]

The Gift of Boldness

Boldness is one awesome gift that the Holy Spirit empowers us with: unashamed boldness (Acts [...]


Remember when you became a Christian you turned over the steering wheel of your life [...]

Witnessing Our Faith

You cannot really be a Christian without manifesting your faith. You cannot really be filled [...]

Thoughts on Christianity

If you want to understand the difference between Discipleship and church Christianity, it’s simple. They’re [...]

There Are Absolutes

Contrary to the teachings of modern education, absolutes do exist in our world. I’ve been [...]

Use the AUTHORITY that Jesus gave you

        The long battle for authority in the earth started in the [...]

Put the Word First!

Jesus said, “the Words that i speak unto you, they are SPIRIT & they are [...]

Let the OIL do the BURNING

When I was a boy, they had beautiful kerosene lamps in every home. They had [...]


I am Born of God –Confession I have a NEW IDENTITY. Because I believe in [...]

The power of Proclamations

        Once you are BORN AGAIN, you have literally been accepted into [...]

One SOUL is worth it all

A famous Christian who always gave God first place in his everyday decisions was William [...]

The Toughest Mission Field: Motherhood

The Toughest Mission Field Not for the fainthearted–a serious field, For people who bravely dare [...]

I am DETERMINED to be that man

An evangelist once told a former shoe salesman turned preacher: “Dwight L. Moody, there is [...]

Who still wants it?

        A motivational speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In [...]


In the story below, by Les Brown, you will read a beautiful account of one [...]


Why is murmuring and complaining such a big deal in the Bible? I mean… really? [...]


        Our very first approach should be to encourage others. Encouragement brings [...]

Imagine If You BELIEVED…

        It says “all things are possible to him that believes”. What [...]

GRACE at work IN YOU

It’s impossible to fully understand all that grace entails when you first come to Jesus. [...]

The GREATEST Conspiracy

        When you listen to the mainstream media, and you hear about [...]


In baseball, the referee is called the umpire. He’s an arbitrary ruler who calls the [...]

The King’s Fool

        There once was a king who had a favorite jester in [...]

The touch of the Master

I have worked with some outstandingly talented people over the years. Great musicians, amazing artists [...]

YOU can Change the World!

In 1913, a young man about twenty years old took a walking tour in the [...]


Have you ever noticed that the people who irritate you the most, quite often have [...]

Dear Latino Friend, We Need You

We visited a “PULGA” My wife and I spent the last 10 days in Austin [...]

Instead of Divorce

Marriage has to be the most wonderful gift between a man and a woman. On [...]


            People live on encouragement and appreciation.  Watch the face of a tiny baby, a [...]

How can you SPOT those Christians?for jesus

How can you recognize a true Christian from anyone else in society? What’s different about [...]

What Are We Leaving BEHIND?

        Recently I was visiting Canada for a funeral. Somehow when a [...]

FAITH without “WORDS” is DEAD.

        I’m going to share a sobering thought with you. Sharing our [...]


            “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his [...]


       This story of Bamboo” is very dear to my heart.     [...]

 The Joy of Giving

I have learned a number of important lessons in regards to “giving” in recent years.  [...]


The most difficult people to interact with are the ones that I call “flatlanders”. They [...]

Meeting Mother Teresa

We were in Bombay visiting missionary friends on a very tight schedule in the process [...]

Attack Your Fears!

             My wife and I talk to people all the time. And I would venture [...]

Do you KNOW how to OPERATE it?

        We weren’t “manufactured” with the ability to direct our own life [...]

Only Speak HEALTH

        It is so sad that the pharmaceutical industry is “selling” sickness [...]


        Let’s start from the beginning…When God created man, He created him [...]

The Infallible Laws Of God

        You can PROVE the existence of God by spelling out His [...]


        Reputation is what you need to get a job; character is [...]

Live Courageously

Live BIG         God wants us to live courageously and victoriously. If [...]

You’re made to DREAM and to CREATE

        To have a dream is more than a simple wish. It [...]

Creators are DREAMERS.

        The life of a Christian has to first be a life [...]

Beware of Gossipers!

        “There is so much good in the worst of us, and [...]

Yieldedness is FREEDOM

Every time you commit a little more to God, you take more limits off God. [...]

Shyness is I-ness

There is not much room for shyness in the Lord’s work. Shyness is not humility. [...]

Christianity is NOT Churchianity

If Christians are to be disciples, then pastors have to be disciple makers. In any [...]

The “Sacred Cows” of Religion

        The “sacred cows” are the excuses and compromises that religion has [...]

Beware of the Leaven of Religiosity 

       Religiosity is not Christianity. The only times that Jesus was angry, in [...]

YOU can be Healed!

God’s will is for us to be whole in body, mind and spirit (1Thes 5:23)! [...]

Did You Know You Can Heal The Sick, Cast out Demons, Raise The Dead, Cleanse The Lepers?

        This is not something that you hear preached in church very [...]

Be “On Guard” 

        For as long as we live in this world (the kingdom [...]

How to be “More than Conquerors”

        The authority of Christ has been given to every believer. Jesus [...]

The War is in the Mind

        The enemy’s war against us first takes place in our mind [...]

Raising Children is “Discipling”

        Raising children is one of the greatest responsibilities ever given to [...]

What’s the Christian’s Relationship with the World supposed to be like?

        Is it even worth it to be a Christian? For one, [...]

Christians MUST Bear Fruit

Jesus said, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear MUCH FRUIT; so you [...]

What does it mean to be a Christian Disciple?

A Christian disciple is one who learns from, follows and lives like his Master, Jesus!  [...]

If You don’t Praise, You’re Missing Out.

There is so much POWER in praise and worship! The psalmist, David, continually sang praises [...]

Obedience is the Key to Christianity

        Jesus said that hearing His Word will not transform us, but [...]

We’ve Got A Direct Line To God’s Throne

       The understanding of the authority given back to the born-again man is [...]

The Name of Jesus is ALL POWERFUL

Because through Jesus’ victory we have been made sons of God, we are now partakers [...]

How Difficult Waiting Is..

                  No one likes to wait for [...]

The ONLY way to please God

        Faith, is the ONLY Way to Please God. Faith is more [...]

Your Faith without works is Dead

        Jesus said that hearing His Word only will not transform us, [...]

How to HEAR God

        Do you want to know how to hear God’s voice? To [...]

You’ve got the POWER

Before Jesus began His ministry, He was baptized by John the Baptist and the Holy [...]

Here’s the SECRET

        You can’t do it WITHOUT His Word. (Jn 15).     [...]

Be BOLD as a Lion

        You can become fearless, confident, and relentless in the pursuit of [...]

If you’re STRESSED you’re not TRUSTING.

        Once you truly understand the love of God for you and [...]

You CAN overcome ANXIETY and FEAR

      Fear is the opposite of faith. It takes as much energy on [...]

Kindness is NOT an option

        We can use the power of our words to BLESS others. [...]

Forgive… Just Try

        When you are hurt, you operate in feelings. Bitterness blames. Unfortunately, [...]

Hold Your Horses

        Anger is a sin when it is directed at people. Paul [...]

Watch Your Mouth

        It is also through our SPEAKING that we create our own [...]

Christians Are Big Givers

        The more we realize that all that we have, we have [...]

Christians Walk In Integrity

        God expects us to walk in integrity. The Bible refers to [...]


Whhhaat? You mean full-time blessings? Yep… Why? Because it is the Father’s good pleasure to [...]

Walk in Humility

Remember when you became a Christian you turned over the steering wheel of your life [...]

Unashamed Boldness!

Boldness is one awesome gift that the Holy Spirit empowers us with: unashamed boldness (Acts [...]